Listen: Rav Gershon Ribner: Comparing Growth of a Talmid in an American Setting to An Israeli One

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  1. What is this with “shteiging” ? Another Tosfos ? How about how to be a better Yid, a better person, an ahava to Eretz Yisrael ? Doesn’t mean anything ?

  2. It’s not only about the learning. A Bochur Shteigs in many other ways as well in Eretz Yisroel away from all of the routine and Gashmiyus of America…
    As far as Friday is concerned B”H there are Kollelim for Bochurim on erev Shabbos that the Bochurim sit and Shteig a full Morning seder. My son personally goes together with many of his Chaverim to the “Kollel Kodshim” where he says there’s a phenomenal Maggid Shiur by the name of Horav Avrohom Yitzchok Shachatovitz Shlit”a. He couldn’t be happier…

  3. Interesting that the Rosh Yeshiva mentioned a story about a Peekskill bachur. I learned in New Rochelle back in the early 80’s and the sedorim were very shtark, sy Friday, Friday night, and Motzai Shabbos. Not sure one can say that about the certain must go-to (for shidduchim purposes ) Yeshivas in Eretz Yisroel. Vihameivin yovin.

  4. Why is Matzav bringing this back? On and on about Eretz Yisroel. There’s no Torah like in that Land as recorded in Chazal. Stop hocking against Eretz Yisoel ! Only Lakewood shteiggs ??

  5. How about shiyurim on chesed, iyun tefilah, doing mitzvos with simcha, ahavas Hashem, being daan l’kaf zchus , ? This is shteig. Learning more seforim is great but not shteig.

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