LIVE: Trump Holds Rally In Milwaukee, Wisconsin

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Watch Live at 8 p.m. ET: President Trump speaks to supporters at his ‘Keep America Great’ rally in Milwaukee, WI , this takes place as 2020 Democrats take the stage at the DNC debate.


  1. When Trump said, “We’re going to win the House” in the next election, he really brought down the House.
    When Trump said the Dems are conducting a phony attack about his phone call with the Ukranian President, which he said, was a perfect phone call, it made me wonder, I’ve heard of phony phone calls, but phony hearings about sincere phone calls?

  2. Trump said he is approving new dishwashers that will use a lot more water, allowing for more dishes to be washed in one wash. [Make America Clean again] However, Dems will argue that this might cost the jobs of those who work as Dish Washers in restaurants. Obama might say it in different words. He might say, “Trump is holding the Dish Washers hostage to the Dishwashers.”

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