LO SHANAH TOVAH: Liberal, Left-Wing “Rabbis” Cancel Annual High-Holidays Call with Trump Because of Charlottesville Remarks

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Several American liberal, left-wing “rabbinical” groups cancelled an annual Jewish high holidays call with President Trump because of his response to the Charlottesville protest, The Washington Post reported today.
“The president’s words have given succor to those who advocate anti-Semitism, racism, and xenophobia,” the organizations—the Central Conference of American Rabbis, the Rabbinical Assembly, the Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association, and the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism—wrote in a joint statement.
“Responsibility for the violence that occurred in Charlottesville, including the death of Heather Heyer, does not lie with many sides but with one side: the Nazis, alt-right and white supremacists who brought their hate to a peaceful community. They must be roundly condemned at all levels.”
Rabbinical groups representing the Reform, Reconstructionist, and Conservative Jewish “movements” organized a call before the holidays every year during the Obama presidency.

Shame on them all for their attacks on President Trump. Read more at THE WASHINGTON POST.



  1. These organizations (Reconstructionist, Reform) have 90% of their members not Jewish, so who are they representing ?, not Jews but, themselves.

  2. We really can not yawn hard enough.

    Why the reform keep orthodox homes mad is terrible. We have a good dynasty in Torah always King and stone. G-d fast mind is not abomination.

    Threat to the neshama clear a terror. And no one knows it until the dead family is forever removed.

  3. “Rabbinical groups representing the Reform, Reconstructionist, and Conservative Jewish “movements” ……………”
    First of all they are not Rabbi’s.
    Second, the groups mentioned above are not Jewish Movements. They are more like bowel movements since Reform, Reconstructionist and Conservative are full of crap. These “movements have nothing whatsoever to do with Judaism.

  4. “Rabbinical groups representing the Reform, Reconstructionist, and Conservative Jewish “movements” ……………”
    First of all they are not Rabbi’s.
    Second, the groups mentioned above are not Jewish Movements. They are more like bowel movements since Reform, Reconstructionist and Conservative are full of crap. These “movements” have nothing whatsoever to do with Judaism.

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