Lubavitcher Rosh Yeshiva Visit Gedolei Rosh Yeshivos of Bnei Brak

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Rav Ezra Binyamin Shochet, Rosh Yeshivas Or Elchanan-Chabad in Los Angeles, paid visits today to the Litvishe gedolei roshei yeshivos of Bnei Brak.

Rav Shochet visited Rav Gershon Edelstein, Rav Berel Povarsky, Rav Dov Landau, and Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch. He also visited Rav Yitzchok Eizik Landau, rov of Bnei Brak.

The roshei yeshiva spoke in learning with Rav Shochet, who mentioned to them the fact that his yeshiva was founded by Rav Simcha Wasserman zt”l, son of Rav Elchonon Wasserman Hy”d.

Rav Edelstein received Rav Shochet with great joy, and after exchanging brachos, they discussed the shitah of the Rambam regarding the dalet kosos, and the opinion of the Shulchan Aruch Harav on the issue.

During his visit to Rav Landau, Rav Shochet discussed the Brisker Rov regarding two dinim in dalet kosos.

During the visit to Rav Povarsky, Rav Povarsky reminisced about the days when his father, Hagaon Rav Dovid Povarsky, was the rosh yeshiva of the Chabad Yeshiva in Tel Aviv seventy years ago, and he spoke about the special disciple of his father, Rav Yoel Kahan, who passed away last year.

{ Israel}


  1. Hagaon Hagadol Harav Ezra Schochet is Rosh Yeshiva in Chabad Los Angeles. When he was a young bochur in Lakewood in the 50s (or early 60s), Rav Aaron Kotler said that he hasn’t met such a illuy for 50 years- since his days in Europe.
    He is one of the Gedolei Hador today, but is a boreiach min hakavod. He lived in B’nai Brak I don’t remember which Yeshiva and Ner Yisroel Toronto where he was recognized as a tremendous gaon as a yungerman before his current position. He is also from Bais Harav of Slonim Yerushalyim, maybe a brother in law of the current Rebbe. If anyone knows anymore about him please post. His chidushei Torah are mavhil.

  2. Why did he visit those gedolim davka now?

    Why did he visit with a camera crew?

    During Chol Hamoed in Eretz Yisroel, many visit gedolim, like the inyan of קבלת פני רבו ברגל, mentioned in the gemara. So even though this Lubavitcher leader is not a talmid of these gedolim, it is still easier to get into them now. So he took advantage of that and came with a camera crew, to make PR for Chabad, propaganda footage, implying that those gedolim accept Lubavitch, which they actually don’t.

  3. Why didn’t the Lubavitcher press the Roshei Yeshivos to start shiurim in Tanya, Likutei Sichos, and Lubavitch Hasidism in general in their institutions?

    • Which particular sicha would you like to be “studied” in the non-Chabad yeshivos – the ones that referred to the father-in-law as the moshiach, the one that stated that a rebbe is elokus mamash beguf hagashomi, the one in which it was announced that the Beis Hamikdosh would descend next to 770, rather than upon the Har Habayis, the one that proclaimed that the Moshiach will shout his arrival from the same 770’s rooftop, or when it was solemnly promised many decades ago that that generation would be the one to greet Moshiach? There are many other worthy shticklach which deserve public scrutiny.
      Oh, by the way, in Chabad yeshivos, are ANY non-Chabad seforim in hashkofa or machshava ever opened, let alone studied, including hassidic classics? When have you heard a quote from the Noam Elimelech or Kedushas Levi out of a Lubavitcher mouth?
      A group that deliberately and fully set itself apart will remain so, until it will decide to rejoin the rest of the nation, and without demands that everyone else must accept its departed leader as the Moshiach, or G-d Himself. Most of Klal Yisroel chose to either ignore such nonsense, or to fight it as true apikorsus.
      Now, as far as Tanya itself is concerned, talmidei chachomim of all stripes have never stopped learning it, and accord it great respect, even if they disagree on the doctrine of tzimtzum and other fine kabbalistic points.
      Likewise, the Shulchan Oruch of the GRaZ has always been considered as a major source of halacha, as are the teshuvos of the Tzemach Tzedek.
      So, who is ignoring whose seforim, again?

      • “Now, as far as Tanya itself is concerned, talmidei chachomim of all stripes have never stopped learning it, and accord it great respect, even if they disagree on the doctrine of tzimtzum and other fine kabbalistic points.”

        Not exactly. Some may have studied it as part of דע מה שתשיב, but it is not read as widely, nor viewed the same, as the halachic work of the same author mentioned right afterward.

  4. Did the visitor speak to the Roshei Yeshivos about yesodos, like Moshiach, and visiting the Ayhel of the Rebbeh?

  5. To come on
    Your ridiculing of achdus in Klal yisroel is so nice. I hope you have a tikun for the sinas chinom you have perpetuated.Your so concerned about MOSHIACH you spew machlokes. I’m sure your actions of sinas chinom is just what Klal yisroel needs .
    Your understanding of the Sichos of the Rebbe zl is pitiful.
    Just for your information I am a talmid of Rav Shmuel Berenbaum Zl
    He was my guest in Chicago Chol hamoed sucos for over twenty years . The older Bnei Torah will remember.
    I never heard a disparaging remark from the Rosh Yeshiva about Lubavitch and we discussed many issues on the topic.
    I think he was on a much higher madrega than you.
    I will sign my name so if you really are looking for Emes on the subject you can check it out and do teshuva.
    A Lubavitcher Chosid who sees the maalos
    Of all avodos of Klal yisroel
    Elchonon Ebert

  6. A response to come on
    Your ridiculing of achdus in Klal yisroel is so nice. I hope you have a tikun for the sinas chinom you have perpetuated.Your so concerned about MOSHIACH you spew machlokes. I’m sure your actions of sinas chinom is just what Klal yisroel needs .
    Your understanding of the Sichos of the Rebbe zl is pitiful.
    Just for your information I am a talmid of Rav Shmuel Berenbaum Zl
    He was my guest in Chicago Chol hamoed sucos for over twenty years . The older Bnei Torah will remember.
    I never heard a disparaging remark from the Rosh Yeshiva about Lubavitch and we discussed many issues on the topic.
    I think he was on a much higher madrega than you.
    I will sign my name so if you really are looking for Emes on the subject you can check it out and do teshuva.
    A Lubavitcher Chosid who sees the maalos
    Of all avodos of Klal yisroel
    Elchonon Ebert

  7. I believe I was told by his older brother from Toronto that the schochet family are descendants of the tosafos yom tov

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