Manchin Backs As Little As $1 Trillion Of Biden’s $3.5 Trillion Plan

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Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.V.) has privately warned the White House and congressional leaders that he has specific policy concerns with President Biden’s $3.5 trillion social spending dream — and he’ll support as little as $1 trillion of it.

At most, he’s open to supporting $1.5 trillion, sources familiar with the discussions say.

In a 50-50 Senate, that could mean the ceiling for Biden’s “Build Back Better” agenda — and that many progressive priorities, from universal preschool to free community college, are in danger of dying this Congress.

Manchin also has committed to paying for any new spending with new revenue, which will limit the ultimate size of any final package.

This amount would be on top of a $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure deal passed by the Senate and awaiting House action.

Read more at Axios.




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