Matzav Inbox: Cost of Living is Up, So Where’s My Raise?

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Dear Editor@Matzav,

I am writing to express my deep frustration with bosses who consistently refuse to provide raises, despite the rising cost of living. It is disheartening to witness this disregard for the financial well-being of hardworking individuals who are struggling to earn a parnassah.

It is no secret that the cost of living continues to soar, placing an immense burden on individuals and mishpachos alike. Basic necessities such as food and household items have become increasingly unaffordable, leaving many struggling to make ends meet. The cost of making Shabbos? Hard to describe! A shopping trip to the supermarket for some basics? Never under 100 bucks. A full shopping? No less than a few hundred dollars! It’s crazy.

Yet, in the face of these challenges, some frum employers seem indifferent to the plight of their employees. It’s like they mamish don’t care.

I wonder, if these bosses asked a rov, if they’d be told to take their maaser or tzedakah money and give it toward their employees’ earnings so that they don’t have to continue to choke and build up debt just to live.

How much more should I add to my credit card? At what point do I crack?

It is crucial that employers recognize the impact of stagnant wages on the lives of their employees. As the cost of living continues to rise, we face mounting financial pressures and are often forced to make sacrifices that impact our well-being. This is not a sustainable or just situation.

It is high time for bosses to recognize their achrayus, yes their responsibility, in ensuring that their employees can maintain a decent standard of living. It’s an achrayus. Stop treating employees like they are expendible.


Embarrassed to Sign


  1. The employer is struggling as well. You get your paycheck regardless of whether he got any take home pay. You are welcome to leave at any time.

  2. Why should your boss lose out just because other companies raise their prices? Prices go up because wages and other expenses go up. Not the other way around. The market , through competition, will always seeks out the lowest possible price to charge the consumer. If wages artificially go up for goods and services , then prices for those goods and services need to rise as well. So why should your boss , who may be in the clothing business, have to pay you more for what the groceries are charging you for your food? If when prices go up too high, people will curb their spending, prices will go down.
    High wages for basic labor causes inflation.

  3. If you are worth more to your boss you should ask for a raise. If he doesn’t give it to you – find a job elsewhere for more.
    If he has raised his prices with the excuse that everything costs more and he doesn’t give raises, then he is not a mensch. Find a job by someone that values their employees
    However if the business is struggling and he can’t afford raises, you again have no choice but to look for another job

    • Exactly. If inflation is being hit in all sectors, in all commodities, food clothing hardware etc. that means your boss has raised prices to their customers. The additions should be shared with your employees as they too are paying more across the board. Only fair !!!

      If not. The bosses intake is higher but not sharing it with those who enhance and produce for you & your company.

      Absolutely not fair at all.

  4. This must be a parody article. It can’t be that a frum person is so clueless…..

    If salaries go up, where does the excess money come from???
    Does the boss have an achrayus, yes a responsibility, to go on Tomchei Shabbos, so you can be more comfortable?

    How about you stop putting your problems on others, go to school, and get a higher paying job. Or open a business, take on the full financial responsibility and worry of owning a business, and you will make more money equal to your efforts.

    Instead, you kvetch and complain how somehow you deserve to make more while doing the same work.
    You sound like a……. Liberal.

    Surrounding Society really does creep in.

    • Shame on all of you ,money does not come from your boss
      MONEY come from God AND ONLY GOD.your climbing up the wrong TREE
      go straight to the source.


  5. your complaint lacks merit
    because as your expenses goes up so does the bosses
    all businesses realize an increase of expenses just like you do
    a business is not a tzedaka organization
    your boss does not pay you based on your living costs
    but what you are worth to the profitability of the business
    the boss gives tzedaka hopefully and where he gives it is quite frankly none of your business

  6. Instead of complaining about your boss (while the complaint is likely justified), the source for all this is the government at both federal and local levels. The ultimate cause for the cost of living rising is the bungling of foreign and domestic policy. Keep voting for Democrats, and inflation will keep rising. Your boss is likely charging more for his products and services so that he can maintain a profit margin, and he has prioritized his cost of living. Makes sense, though not nice to not consider others. Should he raise his prices even more to compensate for your cost of living? I would say yes, but that would make his customers look elsewhere.

    At the end of the day, our parnosoh comes from HKB”H, and requires our proper hishtadlus to merit it. Do your part, and let HKB”H do His.

  7. Not unionized are we? Companies, especially in work at will states such as NY, have no obligations to employees and vice versa. As more than one manager has said, be thankful you have a job. If you can, move on to another position, changes usually come with a raise. If not, open a side hack or better yet go into competition. Just remember the little guy when you’re the boss.

    • Im not sure what your job or pay is but im pretty sure unless your making near minimum wage your still better off then my husband and a lot of other ppl right now so count your blessings.

  8. Most bosses are evil greedy abusive tyrants. They think they’re king shish and treat their employees like worthless pieces of carcass. They are cursed and will remain cursed. I always pray for their hard downfall.

    • who would employ you with that attititude, if not them? you are welcome to leave… oh, but wait , you need the money that they are paying you and nobody else would pay you for the nothing that you do.

  9. I don’t know your boss’s financial situation and cheshbonos, but one thing I can tell you – my family and most families I know are being clobbered by inflation. Not for luxury items, but for basic necessities, e.g. groceries, clothing, utilities, tuition, insurance, etc.

    • the big three: housing, tuition and insurance cannot be controlled. groceries and clothing can. unfortunately, the big three far outcost the other two. so even if i were to control my spending on food (and clothing), it would be a relative drop in the bucket. Actually, tuition can be lowered if the yeshivas didnt view the middle income parents as their personal piggybanks to cover the lower income parents. the portion that the middle income is paying to cover the lower income should AT LEAST be able to get a charitable deduction receipt! because that’s exactly what it is, charity.

    • Why do you think they’re raising prices for no reason? Of course there’s a reason. We don’t live in a bubble. You morons keep voting for the Democrats and the Democrats are the reason that the economy is in the tank. Get your head out of a dark place and finally stop voting for Democrats and life will be much much better.

  10. Dear Boss of Embarrassed,

    After reading your employees letter here, I think it’s obvious that your employee does not understand simple economics 101. Granted that could be because they continue to vote for the left because they need all the presents that the left has to offer, off of everyone else’s back.

    Here’s a suggestion for you because obviously Embarrassed feels that you’re not making enough money. I would suggest that you fire embarrassed so that this way you can make more money and possibly divvy a nice chunk of Embarrassed’s salary to your other employees whom I am sure also deserve a raise.

    I certainly hope when you hire new employees in the future, that they have more understanding of simple economics 101 then Embarrassed has.

  11. If I had an employee with your “entitlement” attitude, I would hope that he find a job somewhere else.
    Your boss is probably hinting to you that he doesn’t mind of you leave by not giving you a raise. And I don’t blame him.

  12. Who is the one that is ready to be an Employer? Why should i deserve to be an employer more then a employee? The one that his money & business won’t effect his relationship with Hashem i.e. he is still going to daven in a minyan every day & has a learning סדר every day. While an employee only works from 9:00AM to 5:00PM this time of work is his fence between him & Hashem telling him its time to go Daven & learn. But the person that realizes this does not need this fence as a reminder to go daven & learn. Hashem sees he gives צדקה, he Davens & learns everyday so why shouldn’t he be a multi-millionaire? he knows how to spend it right & appreciates that Hashem picked him to be an employer more then an employee. Why don’t jews run the biggest businesses in the world? Because if we do it will effect the relationship between him & Hashem (he will forget to daven & not be שומר שבת etc…) while on the other hand the phone company of IDT is owned by a jew by the name of Howard Jonas. Why is he the owner of such a big company? Why did Hashem pick him? Hashem saw in the future that this man has the potential to be rich & not forget Hashem that put him in this position & still do his מצוות (Howard Jonas even has a book he made, the name is I’M NOT THE BOSS.)

  13. In the name of Covid all evil was done including food/clothing prices etc. because of high import costs gasoline and what not which I understand, but now that those costs are gradually falling did anyone see any prices coming down? No never, our distributors/importers are Chayos

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