Matzav Inbox: The WhatsApp Status Sickness of Vanity and Narcissism

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Dear [email protected],

I am writing to express my strong disapproval of individuals who use WhatsApp status and social media as a platform for self-promotion. The constant updates and posts detailing their every move, achievement, and thought are not only nauseating, but they reflect a deep-seated narcissism that is damaging to both the individual and society as a whole.

It is important to remember that WhatsApp status is not a personal diary or a platform for self-aggrandizement. It is a tool that allows us to connect with others and share information. However, when people use it solely to promote themselves, they are not only missing the point of what social media and WhatsApp status are for, but they are also alienating others with their self-obsession.

These individuals are often so focused on promoting themselves that they fail to see the bigger picture. They are not considering the impact their actions have on others, and how their self-promotion may be perceived as arrogant, insincere, or even desperate.

Furthermore, the constant self-promotion and self-absorption on WhatsApp status is creating a culture of superficiality and comparison. It is encouraging people to value themselves based on comments and followers, rather than on their character, values, and accomplishments. It is leading to a generation of people who are more concerned with their WhatsApp status image and life than with their real-life relationships and interactions.

I urge people to take a step back and consider the impact their actions on WhatsApp status have on others. Let us all remember that WhatsApp status is a tool to connect with others, not a tool to promote ourselves. Let us focus on building real connections and relationships, rather than on building our WhatsApp status image.


Nauseated by WhatsApp Status


    • Not signing his/her name is a sign of intelligence. Smart people don’t share their identity when it will harm them.
      Don’t kill the messenger cause you don’t like the message.

    • never got the people that say this. If something is true, (and I’m sot sure I agree with the author here) than what difference does it make WHO wrote it? What is “fake” or insincere about that?


  1. Dear Author,
    Do you know that you can either mute other people status or (gasp) just not look at them!
    I know that messaging is a great tool for keeping in touch and that other social media that you (or I) can stay away from, but Whatsapp status is just another one of those obnoxious social media things that very little good comes of it (like most other social media). The problem is not other people posting (you cant change that), the problem is controlling ourselves not to follow this neirishkeit.
    Thank you.

  2. Instagram: See how I dress
    Instagram: See what I fress
    Instagram: On you I thrive
    Flaunting the fine ride I drive
    See my riches! See my cash!
    My wealthy wealth I just must flash!
    I’m healthy, wealthy, rich and thin
    Every game I play, I win
    The rain stops when I step outside
    The thunderclouds all run and hide
    My smile flashes perfect teeth
    At common folk (so far beneath)
    I earned your worship, earned your awe
    I have just one small tiny flaw
    It’s really much too small too mention
    But I may just slightly like attention

  3. I strongly disagree with David. What difference does it make who wrote the article? Does he have a valid point? If so accept it. Chances are that those who want to know his name simply want to turn the table on him by saying that he is guilty of the same thing by writing the article. So let us wisely accept the point and stop promoting ourselves.

  4. Typical one-sided point of view from Mr. Nauseated.

    I tell you: These folks that write letters to Matzav and other platforms are so arrogant and full of themselves.

    They should revert to WhatsApp.

    Oh. Wait. They can’t.

    Anywho, B”H I have raised thousands of dollars for various Tzedakah causes over the past 2 months.

    Narcissism not included.

  5. Always interesting when people come around to what the gedolim have been saying all along. Boker tov, chabibi.

    There’s an old joke about a guy that says “When I was 20, my Dad seemed like the most clueless and out of touch guy out there. Now that I’m 30 and married for 6 years, my Dad seems to be wise and sagacious to the degree that he borders on omniscience. Amazing how much the old man learnt in 10 years.”

  6. You guys are funny, let’s say he signed it Moishie Friedman, you would be happy? Who cares what his name is??
    Eli Kleinebergstien

  7. Hey David Richter, did the letter writer completely bust your little imaginative FB status bubble that you live in?

    I stopped using WhatsApp precisely for what the letter writer states. While I myself wasn’t posting, i was getting so caught up in constantly checking other’s content that I simply deleted WhatsApp from my phone

    The opinion stated in this post cannot be fake or fraud. Its either correct/valid or incorrect/wrong etc Its makes no difference whether or not he gave his name!!

  8. David,
    Do you disagree with anything the author wrote. Can you think of any other reason someone posts pics of their trip to Dubai other than to suggest how amazing I am that I went there and you didn’t. That is if the person will be honest. I too have been guilty of this but at least I am honest.

  9. I got rid of whatsapp 3 months ago and my life has been more peaceful and serene .

    I would encourage others to do the same

    I know its scary at thought, yet the pros outweigh the cons if there actually are any cons to it

    You will not be “missing out”

    Talking to people one on one by face or phone make for more meaningful and honest relationships

    If people actually need to contact you they can call or text

    And, I do run a business and know others who run businesses without whatsapp

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