Matzav Inbox: These Haircuts Are Assur L’Halacha!

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Dear [email protected],

I am writing to express my concern about the increasing number of boys and men who are not being careful about their peyos and are getting haircuts that are halachically forbidden, such as crew cuts and buzz haircuts.

People must be mindful of the way they groom their hair.

I do not chas veshalom believe that people are doing this on purpose.

I assume it comes from total am haaratzus – ignorance.

These types of haircuts I refer to – and you know what I’m talking about are an absolute violation of a mitzvah de’oraysa!

I urge all Yidden to be mindful of the halacha of peyos and take the necessary steps to ensure that we are adhering to them. This includes making sure that barbers do not give such haircuts, surely not frum barbers.

Thank you.

Z. L.



  1. It is well known that HaRav Yisroel Belsky zt”l ruled that under no circumstances should a “guide” smaller than a #2 be used where it is forbidden to remove the peyos. And although there are perhaps other shitos on the matter, the mesorah for Jews of Ashkenazi heritage – Europe and Asia – is in accordance with his p’sak. Rav Chaim Kanievsky agreed with this as did and do all contemporary poskim.

    I can’t thank this author enough for bringing this to our attention. May he be blessed for his efforts and may his sincere concern for his brethren be accepted by all.

  2. Correct.
    I have long wondered about this. Why do frum barbers agree to give such haircuts?
    This is not even getting into the more specific questions such as using a trimmer without a guard to edge the sideburns which can also be problematic. What the letter writer here is discussing is the most basic level of what is assur.

  3. הרב הירש in his פירוש על התורה suggests that פיאות form a symbolic separation between the front part and the rear part of the brain. The side of the head, which is located in front of the ears, is the intellectual part, from the ears themselves and around the back of the head, is the more physical, the more sensual part. One may, therefore, even shave the hair on the back of one’s head down to the scalp, however, one should let the hair in front the ears, which includes the whole side of the head, grow until it reaches the bottom of the ears.

  4. this is very well written we need to mechazek Yidden in this, especially we all know some famous askanim that cut too high around the peyos despite a Hasidish background, again this is constructive musar.

  5. Rav Reisman, retired from Agudath Israel Long Island, would walk up to boys and men with haircuts that were questionable. He would point out the “inadvertent” cut and use the teaching moment to create awareness and a bond.

  6. Thank you.
    I’ve been seeing Yidden who pretty much bald themselves.
    A major sin, especially if wearing a Kipa…a chillul Hashem too!

  7. There’s a barber on McDonald and Ave. I in Brooklyn who has a hechsher. Who, in Heaven’s name would think that a hechsher is applicable to a barber shop??? There you go! Raphael went the extra step! He cared!

  8. I have long peyos myself but we have to know the halacha and be dan lekaf zechus. Do you know how long they need to be d’oraisa? Long enough to pinch. That’s really really short.

  9. First of all thank you for bringing this up. I’ve spoken to Rabbunim in the past about this, and I was told there is a strong effort to begin certifying barbers that complete a course on these important halachos. People don’t realize that this is more stringent than it is though to be. there are those that look at this akin to having a beard or payis behind ones ears etc., while the truth is they are playing around with multiple iysurim.

    Here is must applaud Plaza Barbershops in the Glatt Gourmet North Plaza in Lakewood, as if you walk in there you will see a well worn in depth sefer on hilchos payos that the proprietor has learned through many a time. Hence, besides for him giving the nicest haircuts in town, more importantly, one can rest assure that it is kosher lemahdrin as well. (It pays to go in there just to see his beautiful, amazing, and truly revolutionary art work.)

  10. It depends on how close the Payos are cut.There are shitos that permit,misporayim k’ayn ta’ar on payos horosh.BUT,the writer is
    Correct an issur doraiso needs vigilance.

  11. If you do not describe the way that you consider a violation of Torah Law, Min HaTorah or Mid’Rabbonon, and you merely write “you know what I’m talking about”, there is no reason to pay any attention to your article. I certainly do not know what you are talking about. Is the picture you provided, your description? Because I could not discern what the Issur about that haircut was.

  12. Commentator why are you in such hurry to delete?you have the writers email why not ask him for his sources.The Holy Chassam Sofer is matir misporayim kayn taar on payos horosh.I am also aware the Maran Horav Aharon K.ztvk”l
    said one may be somech on the Chassam Sofer.

  13. I am not defending the practice, but to say its an “absolute violation of a mitzvah de’oraysa!” is a little harsh. The Rambam holds it is muttar, the the Shulchan Aruch paskens that way MeIkar HaDin (Yoreh De’ah 181:10).

    Of course, the widespread minhag forever is to be machmir like Tosfos and the Rosh who hold it is an Issur D’Oraysa. But to call it an “absolute violation” is extreme. While decrying the Am Haaratzus of others, please don’t show off your own.

  14. I appreciate your motivation and sentiment.

    But statements like: “These types of haircuts I refer to – and you know what I’m talking about ” – aren’t very helpful. Please be more specific. More so, why not research a little and give some of the psakim and details regarding how long the hair must be (at a minimum and l’chumra), and where to be careful to cut etc.

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