Matzav Inbox: When Did Tisha B’Av Become Movie Day?

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Dear [email protected],

I am very disturbed by ads that I see on and elsewhere for movies and films for Tisha B’Av. At least in years past, the programs were speeches related to Tisha B’Av. Now, we’re inundated with movies of all types, on all topics, as if they have to do with Tisha B’Av. Are we so pathetic? Have we so lost our understanding of Tisha B’Av? The only thing we’re missing is the popcorn.

As someone wrote so well, perhaps it’s time we just arrange hotel programs for Tisha B’Av, with babysitting, a lineup of speakers, and maybe even a magician. That’s basically where we are holding.

If you’re making or watching a movie for Tisha B’Av, I can’t stop you, but please, at least admit that it has nothing to do with the churban, with the Bais Hamikdosh, or with the taanis, and that it is just a feel-good film about chesed, kibbud av v’eim, or the greatness of Am Yisroel – or some Hashgacha Protis story that has no shaychus to Tisha B’Av. And maybe, Matzav, you should stop running the ads on your website and your WhatsApp and Status.

A Yid (Never Breaks)


  1. I’m sorry but this comment seems so misplaced.
    Have you considered that people approach Tisha Bav with a lack of connection because the Churban was so long ago and bh we have no real suffering today.
    Now they have 2 options, human nature is to feel disconnected from such an event as the Churban. And they are human. Of course, they can fool themselves by closing their eyes really tight and pretending to feel something….. Or
    They can say, we want to feel but we naturally can’t. So let’s search out other options to make this day meaningful. Let me connect to HKB”H in some way.

    Of Course, there’s always the option to bury your head in the sand and pretend you actually can comprehend the gravity of the day. And that as well is your prerogative.

    But this article is hateful. Leave people alone. Why always look for issues?
    I have a suggestion for you this Tisha Bav.
    When the root of sins chinam is looking at others and causing strife and problems, maybe try to look for the good in others.
    Do you really think your letter will help or maybe just maybe make those who will watch movies more resentful of your tone.

    Check yourself!

    • Nah. Matzav is busy covering up for the mishgav zachor community by lying about how one contracts monkeypox. Matzav is doing the PC governments bidding by panicking the amon am by lying that “everyone” can/will get monkeypox and die. We must all get this special vaccine. Matzav’s heavy-handed censorship regarding Monkeypox is appalling. Shame on Matzav.

      • Original comment is wrong. Let people be honest enough to admit that they lack the connection. If all else fails have 10 moments of of contemplative silence.
        Your apologetic
        exacerbates this serious issue

        p.s the response from Miss my was totally inappropriate besides irrelevant

  2. I totally agree, it’s hesach hadas from the churban, its time for the Rabbonim to be strong and bring an end to this

  3. I challenge the writer of this letter to provide an explanation on just One Kinah that we say. He wont be able to. We are living in a very weak generation and yes, if someone gets a little inspiration and a hirur teshuvah by watching one of these films it is much better than just staring into space not knowing or understanding a word about kinnos.

  4. The Movies (about good Yiddishe things as you mentioned) are there for people who otherwise would just watch Netflix. Not everyone is capable of saying Kinnos for 10 hours straight.

  5. I like your writing style and user name, but disagree with your message.
    The videos are in place of attending a lecture physically. The large assortment of lectures has morphed into an equal assortment of videos.
    “Progress” for better or for worse will infiltrate to all aspects of everything.
    Computer checking of Sifrei Torah is very common, I remember the outcry when it was introduced.
    If not for Shabbos concerns our shuls would have automatic opening doors, would the Beis Hamikadsh?
    The good part is my teenage daughters sit on the floor and watch these programs and really get into them, literally what would they do otherwise.

  6. I’m assuming that you’ve never actually attended a session. They’re not movies at all, rather audiovisual recordings of rabbonim, speakers (and rebbitzens and mechanchos for female audiences). The subjects are largely related to the very issues that led to the churbon, and continue to plague us today. It’s not entertainment and no one comes to socialize, at least not more than stam coming to shul, and probably less, since people are aware of the day and are weak due to fasting. Just like non “movie-goers,” the attendees aren’t weeping copious tears or rending their clothing, because part of this stage of the golus is that many if not most of us, have a really hard time knowing just what we’re missing. I’d even venture to say that those who do go, are at least hoping to get a better feel of mourning, and what to work on to improve themselves.

  7. I was thinking the same thing. First the film was speeches, then was added some background sound, some video clips of history, some picture slides. Then came a theatrical films with a lesson inside. Now we are at this point where there a films being advertised to watch which are entertaining and pleasant and most likely against general Halachah. If a heter is given, so be it. But first we should realize that it is generally against halacha b/c it is enjoyable to do.

  8. ..maybe, Matzav, you should stop running the ads….
    We know it says mema’atim b’masa Umatan but you don’t have to throw away existing customers even for the Churban sake.

  9. Completely agree.
    There are “trailers”, “on demand streaming” (wonder where they got that from?), and even real music being played – not even acapella…
    Since when did this all become mutar?? Yes, as we get farther and farther away from the churban, the aveilus gets harder and harder. So what? Maybe we should invest time into learning about what life was like during the bais hamikdash, with nevi’im, etc…
    This is another example of something that started many years ago with a drasha or two (those old Chafetz Chaim Heritage ‘drashos’ with Rabbi Krohn and Rabbi Frand). Then we had to up the ante, and other organizations had to outdo each other, and now we even have “pre-tisha b’av events”! Why? Because it’s all been done on Tisha B’av already, so now we have to come up with a new ‘chapp’…
    It’s sad…we’ve lost recognition that we don’t need movies to be “The Tisha B’av Worldwide Event”…Tisha B’av ITSELF is a worldwide event!
    This is a direct outcome of the churban…it should be a reason for each of us to cry…

  10. Right on target. The movies are completely unrelated to Tisha Bav. I don’t know who gives a heter to watch them. Would an Avel sit & watch these entertaining videos on the first day of Shivah?
    Thank you for the letter.

  11. Most people are not holding on your madraiga to spend 25 hours feeling the churban and being misabeil. Most people would occupy their time with something “goyish” to pass the time. These videos and movies are made for these people, me included.

  12. I’m not sure which videos you referring to.
    There are classic programs that have done a fantastic job helping Klal Yisroel learn what will bring Mashiach and the 3rd Beis Hamikdash.
    On a day like Tisha B’av there are people that find Chizuk in the videos, that explain Chessed, Shalom Bayis, and Kibbud Av Vaeim. Unless there is is real reason not to watch or listen, what’s the problem

  13. Can we sandwich this post between the good things my brothers and sisters do. This is hard for me to read,we all intend to do good

  14. When Did Tisha B’Av Become Movie Day? On Tisha b’Av 2005 when Jews were being expelled from their rightfully owned homes in Aza (Gaza).

  15. “When Did Tisha B’Av Become Movie Day?” A little after Shabbos Nachamu became yom tov, and a heter to do all kind of not-so-okay things.

  16. I don’t agree with you. I happen to agree with you since the Tisha B’av programs (which don’t cost much) are almost all-day filling and describes the churban and how we are required to enhance our relationships with other yidden, which will rebuild the Beis Hamikdash. In the yesteryears, people would learn Midrash Eicha or Gemarah Gittin about the Churban, etc but I think the Gedolei Yisroel realize that it can be very hard to focus especially when fasting.

    I do not condone chess playing either, nor anything that will ACTIVELY detract one from thinking about Tisha b’Av related concerns. I do hope that you’re not taking a hard line against the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Programs because they are endorced by Gedolei Yisroel.

    The Gedolei Yisroel, in my opinion should step in and say what is permitted and what’s not. Matzav is a platform to serve the public what they want to see or hear so no blame to them.

    Please reply with your thoughts!

  17. The letter writer is 100% correct and I’m old enough to remember a respectable young(at the time) Rov predicting this with the release of the first CH videos, but he said I will not be understood if I speak up. Use a קינות המפורש and go through the kinos slowly. If these things are truly בדיעבד to replace Netflix, they should be advertised as such in order not to be פורץ גדר.

    • And I remember being a very young camper in Camp Agudah in the 70’s and they showed The Guns of Navarone on a rainy night (not Tisha biav) in the old social hall, GASP. Gregory Peck was a great actor. They don’t make them like that anymore. They showed a different film on a different night. It might of been The Bridge on the River Kwai, but I’m not 100% sure.

  18. ok you have a point, but let’s remember that there are plenty of people who daven the earliest mincha and then go to sleep until maariv


  20. It is wonderful that there is such an array of programs literally something for everyone on all levels. Each one of us should find the program or the kinnus that works best for ourselves.

    There is only one judge in the world, that is the ribono shel olam. He is the one that knows what is deep inside everyone’s heart. What will work for them and what can be damaging. For everyone else it is best to focus on ourselves and not to judge what works for the next person.

    If you are lucky enough to have a rav that you are connected to, you should follow his guidance in this and all matters.

    If you are not connected you should grab onto any inspiration that you can and try to connect to the day in a way that is meaningful to you.

  21. The video content is in the proper spirit of the day, so this posting is way off base. The video format is not some evil in itself. Many people are getting needed insights instead of sleeping all afternoon.

  22. It is something to think about, however, there are some places, where Tisha B’Av kumziztes have become popular. The Neo-Chasidic congregations in the 5 towns have multiple kumiztzes on 9 Av. Is that better?

  23. I used to not know what to do with myself all Tisha B’Av. Now I can watch inspiring lectures on Torahamytime and really get into the spirit of mourning for our Beis Hamikdosh.

  24. Finally someone put my thoughts into writing!!! Ridicules, selichos turned into dancing. Yotzris are not said. Siyumim by tzedakah organizations with flishiges during the 9 days. Do people not realize that the only way to shteig is by following the shulchan orach. The Tanya actually talks about this concept. He elaborates how we can only have a connection to Hashem through following what he says. It’s so crazy how this feel good Judaism’s became so mainstream. Imagine someone saying I don’t feel shabbos so I will do my own version of Shabbos. Ah yid daf hiten dem shulchn Arusha. Once we deviate from that we are making our own religion. Call me radical I truly look at this as he beginning of a reform type of movement.
    I never understood why my father was so into yotzros. People don’t realize it’s the small changes that are most dangerous. This tisha bav we should remember על מה אבדו הארץ? על שעזבו את תורתי

  25. There is no way anyone can call them movies when not only theatre caliber popcorn is missing but in fact all popcorn. A good alternative is just to sleep away the entire day, experiencing 1/60 of the sensation of death itself. When the kinos at shul get too drawn out, just sneak out, return home and lye down in bed with an audio playing of R Zev Leff’s 9Av kinos expoundings.

  26. I agree 100% Plus I took away my sons guitar as there is no heter for live music since the churban. The best “outlet” is mussar or reading a book on a gadol. I banned my daughter from any music concerts as well on chol hamoed we need more not less gedorim

  27. Wow such passionate posts!! I do agree that we need to get back to understanding the churdan, meaning of the kinyos and concentrate on rectifying baseless hate.

  28. There are those that protested sushi. There are those that don’t like dips on shabbos. There are those that don’t like the slichos concerts. There are those that protest concerts. There are those who protest shietals. Now we have someone protesting Tisha Bav events. I say if you’re a rov and have a following tell you’re followers you’re daas Torah. If you’re a parent you can dictate to you’re family your opinion. If none of the above no one is forcing you to watch. The shulchan Aruch has plenty of things you can learn on Tisha Bav.

  29. ah yid: I say if you’re a rov and have a following, well said but add that you’re daas Torah. If you’re a parent you can dictate to you’re family your opinion. If none of the above no one is forcing you to paskin on the letter. The shulchan Aruch has plenty of things you can instead occupy yourself with. Oh, my bad, just ignore, you merely meant to express the broadly accepted practice amongst us of do as I say not as I do.

  30. The posted letter was completely on target.And the comments attempting a rebuttal are pathetically tragic. Since so many are so unconnected they sit around with friends and movies they should request to abolish Tisha b’av altogether. Skip the disingenuous apologetics.
    If you’re incapable of any else, sit for 15 minutes of contemplative silence. Try it twice. That’s too difficult?

    This is part of a greater more serious situation. A couple generations have been raised to run away from,and avoid as if of danger of, introspection
    A visit to concentration camps has to be followed with a Kumbaya kumzitz. If some at a loss what to do, keep quiet. Peer inside
    Assume the problem is within

  31. Dear A Yid Never Breaks,
    You remind me of Donald Trump. He is on the right side of things, but he expresses his ideas with contempt and arrogance, without a care for what his words do to people. Also, he doesn’t know that not everything that is right needs to be said.

  32. I understand the feelings of the author of this letter as many of the halachos of Tisha B’Av are intended to avoid removing our thoughts from the Churban.

    However, based upon the gemara in Taanis which prescribes the seder hayom for a Taanis, I believe there is a place for these presentations.

    The gemara states that one half of the Ta’anis day should be spent in Slichos (or Kinnos) and feeling the pain of the Churban HaBayis. However, beyond Chatzos one should spent a quarter of the day on Krias HaTorah and davening mincha and the other quarter should be spent on conducting an examination of himself and the tzibur and finding areas in which we can improve.

    It is my belief that for many people, watching some of these presentations followed by a period of introspection can be a very effective way of fulfilling the teshiva requirement for that quarter of the day.

  33. The chafetz Chaim Heritage Foundation video is fine as Rabbonim including gedolim like Harav Hagaon R Shmuel Kamenetsky Shlita always gives a little speach in this video & the Rabbonim talk about not speaking Lashon Hara that’s what bought the churban.

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