MATZAV ISRAEL TRAVEL UPDATE: Israel Tourist Ban: No Decision on Extension; Entry Rules Updates

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Since November 29, Israel’s borders have been closed to foreign tourists, due to the Omicron variant threat. This ban was originally enacted for 14 days, and is set to expire on December 13. However, despite various media reports, it is yet unclear if the prohibition on tourist entry will be extended. Chaim V’Chessed can relate that as of this writing, the government has not made any decision yet.

Various other changes to entry policy have been implemented:

  • Grandparents of chosson/kalla are now permitted to apply to enter for weddings
  • Grandparents of bar/bat mitzva may still apply to enter, despite a previous halt in issuing these permits. Uncles and aunts are no longer granted permission.
  • Grandparents will be able to apply to enter for births of grandchildren, for entry from 1 week prior to the due date, until a month after birth. However, it may take several days before authorities begin issuing permits for births.

Applications for exceptional entry to Israel must be made via Israeli consulates or embassies abroad, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs site, here.

IMPORTANT: Previously, non-Israeli babies under 12 months did not need a special permit to enter Israel. While this rule still appears on the Interior Ministry’s website, several  families have been barred from travel, if their infant did not hold a permit. Hence, it is advisable to apply for a permit for infants, as well Click here for details. Babies can receive permits even if they do not have a visa, if their parents have valid visas and are vaccinated/recovered.




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