McDonald’s, Other Chains Switch To Glatt Kosher Meat To Provide For Religious Soldiers

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It was announced today that the three major hamburger chains in Israel, namely McDonald’s, Burgeranch, and Burgerim, will be transitioning entirely to the stricter “mehadrin”-level glatt kosher meat.

This decision stems from an initiative led by the IDF rabbinate, prompted by the extensive food donation campaign ongoing since the commencement of the conflict with Hamas.

Religious soldiers who adhere strictly to glatt kosher have been expressing their need for such food.

While the meat supplied to these chains will meet the “mehadrin” standards, it’s important to note that there will still be branches without kosher certification. These branches serve non-kosher food, combining meat with dairy and operating on Shabbos.

Achieving this transition required several months of concerted effort, reflecting a longstanding commitment to ensuring that soldiers requiring “mehadrin”-level food have access to it.

The IDF collaborated with global kosher certification organizations, such as the OU, to facilitate and implement these changes.

{ Israel}


  1. Who kashered these extreme treif chains? Under whose hechsher are they now? Who are the mashgichim?

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