MI KE’AMCHA YISROEL: Father of Toddler Who Drowned in Paint Expresses Amazing Emunah and Fortitude (Video)

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The father of Avraham Saadia z”l, just one year and three months old, who drowned in a bucket of paint in the yard of his home, spoke yesterday, displaying incredible emunah and bitachon.

As reported previously on Matzav.com, Avraham had gone out the back door of his home as his family was having their home painted, and he fell into the paint bucket and drowned. His sister found him there. Magen Dovid Adom paramedics were called to the scene and performed CPR, but they were forced to confirm Avraham’s petirah.

Avraham is survived by his parents and seven brothers and sisters.

Speaking yesterday with incredible faith and fortitude, his father, thanked Hashem for the gift of “such a special neshamah for a year and a half,” stating that he tried to watch over his child as much as he could.

“We believe in Hakadosh Boruch Hu….that no one could have prevented [what was supposed to happen].”

“This could happen to anyone, even those who are extremely cautious. And of course we have to do our hishtadlus, not just 100%, but 200%. And if I am able to be mechazeik others to watch their children with greater vigilance, and in their emunah, that will be my reward. Hashem nosan, Hashem lokach, yehi sheim Hashem mevorach.


{Matzav.com Israel}



  1. There is no need to degrade and demean all other Nationalities, just because we want to praise him. Some people don’t believe and some do have very strong believes in their respective religion.

  2. I’m so numb from pain but also inspired by the incredible kedusha of our people. May Hashem give him and his family comfort and endless brocha.

  3. Why would Matzav editorialize their headline? Is this news or an opinion piece? Is this daas Torah, or some boich sevara from the kinderlach that run your website?

  4. There is no need to censor my comment. If the truth hurts, then YOU should look into yourselves. A sign of immaturity by you little kinderlach.

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