Minister Kahana Says Next Lag Ba’omer in Meron Will Be ‘Entirely Different’ from the Past

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Israeli Religious Affairs Minister Matan Kahana says he has been tasked with overseeing Lag Ba’omer celebrations in Meron this coming Iyar, following last year’s tragedy that claimed the lives of 45 people.

“The coming Meron event will be entirely different from events at the site up till now,” he tweeted, according to Times of Israel. “The security of those celebrating at the revelry will this time be above all else.”

{ Israel}


  1. The security of those celebrating at the revelry will this time be above all else. The best possible security shall be to topple wicked bennett’s government, and get Bibi Netanyahu back to the helm, and reinstate Kedusha to the government in format of maintaining status quo vis a vis Shabbos, Kiddushin, Kashrus, Geirus, Gerushin etc.


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