Minneapolis Jewish Community Braces For Possible Violent Protests

The bais medrash of the Minneapolis Community Kollel
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The Jewish community in Minneapolis, Minnesota is bracing for nights of rioting and looting following the inadvertent shooting death of a black man by police officers.

Video footage of the incident shows Daunte Wright, 20, being shot by a police officer during a traffic stop after she inadvertently grabbed her gun instead of a Taser.

Riots and looting of numerous stores over the incident began Sunday night, prompting Minneapolis mayor Jacob Frey to institute a curfew from 7 PM until sunrise in the city. Still, large crows of Black Lives Matter protesters are expected to converge on the city, with many expecting the protests to become violent.

Shuls in the kehilla, as well as the Minneapolis Community Kollel, are now closing and barricading their doors this evening in preparation for a night of violence and civil unrest that all involved hope does not come to pass.



  1. There is no reason for such sensationalism! All it does is scare people who may have relatives and/or friends in Mpls. And it’s just not true! I am the Rov in Mpls. We davened Mincha and Maariv in Shul tonight, and there are no barricaded doors and no fear. The Kollel is empty simply because the new Zman isn’t beginning until tomorrow. Even so I was in the Kollel this evening and even while on break it wasn’t as empty as your picture would have one believe.
    Yes, a curfew is being enforced and therefore people are encouraged to stay home. That’s the only part of your news item that is true. I encourage you to post a correction in place of the inaccurate news that is currently posted. Thank you.

    • Dear Yechezkel 8:18, and what heter do you have to risk Jewish lives by not preparing for the worst?! Carelessness is not Bitachon. Protecting Jewish lives deserves at least(!) as much hishtadlus as that normally extended towards money matters. Therefore, you should barricade, you should learn safe use of legal firearms, and you should have contingency plans. Better be prepared and not needed, than needed and not prepared. Best wishes to your community, and hope that no harm comes to you.

      • Yeh, okay. Put back on your 10 masks and descend back into your Mommy’s basement. It’s a dangerous world out there and you shouldn’t be taking any chances. If you follow that advice, you’ll live forever.

  2. It’s a wonder that it has been relatively quiet fir this long. The new wave of riots was expected after the officer’s verdict, guilty or not. This one now is both a general rehearsal, and simply giving people something to do with the weather turning warmer.

  3. The Jewish community in Minneapolis, Minnesota is bracing for nights of rioting and looting……………..but these morons will continue to support and elect these low-life DemocRATs over and over again. Wake up Yidden! Stop voting for these Menuvels who hate Jews but pander to us at election time.

  4. To reiterate the comments of the Mora D’Asra, Rav Yechezkel Greenberg, there was no time during the day of the death of Mr. Wright that anyone in our community felt any danger or threat. It would have been far more useful for the author of this absurd article to have actually spoken with Rav Greenberg or with Rabbi Mordecai Kalatsky of one of the other shuls to ascertain what was actually happening here.

    The article creates needless panic and describes a situation that simply did not exist. The community simply adjusted its davening schedule and the local restaurants and kosher grocery closed an hour early. That’s it. There was no level of sakana that anyone here perceived.

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