MIRACLE: Watch: Bnei Brak Terrorist’s Gun Gets Jammed As He Tries to Shoot a Passing Biker

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  1. Everyone is allotted a certain specific amount of years on this earth. There is NOBODY who can thwart the will of the Aibishter! No one can extend or shorten their lives. Not terrorists, not masks, not vaccines, etc etc… There are circumstances that thru tefilla one can change litov. When a person’s time is up, there is nothing that can prevent that, not even a plastic partition by the bima. When people say so and so died because of Covid, that is kefira. That person died because his time on this earth had come. It could of been from a car accident, falling branch, infection, drowning, yeneh machla, etc…
    May Hashem watch over all klal yisroel.

    • It’s not so simple.

      Look up the Ohr haChaim haKadosh on why the shivtei Kah threw Yosef into the pit full of snakes and scorpions rather than killing him themselves.

      Baalei bechira are a different matter than snakes and scorpions. Ayein sham and ask your LOR.

      May Hashem watch over all of Klal Yisrael.

  2. Just a thought. When others died in the attack. An article like this ,can be hurtful. Why him and not the victims, were they not Deserving of a miracle?

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