MORE BRILLIANCE: Mayor Bill de Blasio Calls Reopening of Shuls and Churches “Dangerous”

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More genius from Comrade de Blasio.

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio said President Donald Trump’s announcement that all houses of worship provide “essential services” and should be reopened immediately was a “dangerous” directive and not one that should be followed in the Big Apple.

“With all due respect to the president, the president left the impression on Friday that any and all religious services should start again,” de Blasio said Tuesday during his first press briefing since Trump’s announcement. “I’m saying very clearly that is dangerous. It is not time to restart large gatherings of any kind even though we deeply, deeply value faith,” de Blasio said. “The key faith leaders of this city are saying it’s not time across the board. I spent much of the last few days talking to faith leaders and I said to them, ‘What do you feel about this moment? What’s right for your congregation, for your people?To a one they said, ‘It is not the time for large gatherings and it is not the time for traditional large services again,’” de Blasio repeated.

Last week during a White House briefing, Trump declared houses of worship, churches, shuls and mosques, “essential places.” “Some governors have deemed liquor stores and abortion clinics [are] essential, but have left out churches and other houses of worship, it’s not right. So I am correcting this injustice and calling houses of worship essential. I call upon governors to allow churches and places of worship to open right now,” the president said.



  1. I don’t know which chasidish or litvich rov he spoke to. Here in Brooklyn almost all outdoor minyonim that I know of have shut. I say almost because I know of three that are still opened each for a different reason. One is open simply for convenience. One has a chiyuv who started saying kaddish right before Purim, so this is his minyon. A third has no room in the shul because of social distancing, so they made some minyonim near some homes until Shavuos..

    A nearly $21 million field hospital green-lit by the de Blasio administration when coronavirus threatened to overrun local hospitals has opened and shuttered without treating a single patient, officials confirmed to THE CITY.

    Mayor Bill de Blasio announced plans on March 31 to transform the temporarily idle Brooklyn Cruise Terminal in Red Hook into a 670-bed makeshift medical site.

    That same day, he launched a smaller transformation of the Billie Jean King Tennis Center in Flushing into a 350-bed overflow facility — at a time when more than 8,400 patients were being treated in local hospitals for presumed or confirmed COVID-19.

    The tennis center, designed as a release valve for the beleaguered, city-run Elmhurst Hospital in Queens, accepted its first patients April 11.
    The next day, hospital bed utilization across the city hit its crisis peak of 12,184 — including more than 3,100 patients in critical care, state data shows.

    But since April 12, hospital occupancy has dropped steadily — staving off predictive scenarios that could have seen medical centers at least triple their number of beds from 20,000 to 60,000.

    • Remain calm and no one gets hurt. The weather is nice outside. Try to get out a bit. It will do wonders for you.

    • ………..And which one of Deballsio’s major contributors got the contract to do this and pocket the 21 Million?

  3. David Hope, poster # 8, it doesn’t end there! Not too long ago this brainy mayor spent millions on delivering those brown garbage cans to each home: sturdy hard plastic cans! That program cost mega bucks! Never used, never will be used! Just wasted our tax dollars and Scott Stringer is asleep on this one! Mega millions! But he’s immune because he’s DemocRAT.


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