Moshe Silk Confirmed By Senate As Assistant Secretary Of Treasury

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Senate has confirmed Moshe (Mitchell) Silk as Assisatant Secretary of Treasury today, months after being nominated to the position by President Donald Trump.

Silk, a Nadvorna chassid from Boro Park, spent decades as a lawyer specializing before joining the Treasury Department’s Office of International Affairs in 2017. He was the head of the Office of Investment, Energy and Infrastructure.

In July 2019, he became the acting Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for International Markets. On September 19, 2019, President Trump formally nominated Silk to be Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for International Markets and Development. The United States Senate confirmed his nomination by voice vote earlier today.



    • Did you ever Heard of Prof Aaron Twerski, Dr. Abraham Twerski, Rabbi Moshe Weinberger, Chaim D Zweible, Judge David Schmidt?
      This name are 5 chasidim I know off the top of my head who wore ties, in fact the rebbe of Boyan and Karlin wear ties.
      The ignorance and bigoty are not to be believed.

      • what are you talking about? There are an abundance of chassidim that wear ties. When you only know the daled amos of brooklyn then you might not know it. My husbands grandparents were all rabbanim and some doctors/rabbanim all with that. In reality extremely chassidish. And most of them wore ties. My husband was going to but I find putting a dagesh on it for yes or no a very petty thing.

  1. I recently found out my 6th Great-Grandfather was the Magic of Nadvorna. R’ Tzvi Hersch Ressler. Any idea where I can find out about him? I don’t see anything online. TIA.

    • You telling me that a guy who grew up as a Nadvorna Husid in B.P. went to Beijing University, and National Taiwan Normal University, as his L.I. Profile says? Sorry, ain’t buying that, and not buying the Brooklyn Bridge from you either, even if you give me a giant discount on it.

      • your hilarious, there are many heimishers who are members of chassidisher kehillos and are connected to the Rebbe, but dont go to chassidisher yeshivos.
        So yes, one can be a nadvorna chossid, and go to college.

  2. Dear Mitch,

    I remember your coming to us for a meal in Baltimore. I had never seen a Yid with an English/Chinese business card. Mazal tov!


  3. The Lubavitcher Rebbe, OB’M, also wore a tie. When asked: Why? He answered: “Because my Father-in-Law, the Rebbe Yosef Yitzchak, OB’M, also wore one”.

  4. The names you mentioned are not Nadvorna Hasidim.

    Generally, Hasidim do not wear ties.

    The definition of a standard Husid of that type is with a shtreimel, bekishe, and no tie.

    Also, the Twerskis and Weinberger mentioned wear shtreimels, Silk does not.

    Not everyone who attends services in a shtiebel sometimes is a Hasid, or a full-fledged Hasid.

  5. This fellow seems quite impressive. If he grew up as a B.P. Nadvorna Chusid, going to Hasidic schools, he could be good ad for PEARLS and advocates of Hasidic education, saying that see, someone who grew up and was educated in Hasidic schools, advanced to such a level.

    However, if he did not grow up that way, and only later became somewhat attracted to that Hasidic group and started praying in their shtiebel, that is a very different story.

  6. Oh, and the stupitidy about ties?
    a tie is not in the official levush, one can be affiliated, and perhaps even a member, because one “shtams” from a specific area, and not follow the levush.


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