Most Exciting Program Yet Slated for this Year’s Oorah-thon 2011

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oorahThe countdown is on to the final hours of Oorah’s Auction, when their Oorah-thon will hit the airwaves this motzei Shabbos, May 28. Country Yossi, Rabbi Moshe Meir Weiss, and Elchanan Schwarz will once again be hosting the event, which also features Lipa Schmeltzer. This year’s program has undergone some changes, with brand new features that Oorah’s diverse audience is sure to appreciate.

Join Oorah for a special commemorative tribute to Rav Moshe Feinstein zt”l, on his 25th yartzeit. Hear stories, reflections and personal memories from talmidim who were privileged to be close to one of the greatest gedolim of our time. Oorah’s own Dueling RabbisTM brings together two of today’s top names in the chinuch world for a debate like nothing you’ve ever heard before. Tune in to hear what each expert has to say, and which issues are tackled. Join us for a hartzige kumzitz with musical guests, including Dovid Gabay, Sruli Williger, Eli Schwebel, and more.

The Oorah-thon not only provides a chance for the organization to spotlight their programs for the public to hear, it also gives the Oorah families a chance to share their stories with the world. Be inspired as Torah Mates express to listeners what makes their learning so special. Hear Oorah families as they share the triumphs of their own personal kiruv journeys. Celebrate with a camper from TheZone as he makes a siyum on a mesechta of mishnayos that he completed with his Torah Mate. But most of all, join in all of Oorah’s incredible and diverse kiruv work by entering their Auction now.

Don’t miss the exciting conclusion of the evening, and Oorah’s Auction – the LIVE prize drawing! Our deadline is extended for online and phone orders only until 2 am this Motzei Shabbos.

You have to be in it to win it, so click here to browse our 33 fabulous prizes and purchase tickets now. Be sure to tune in as we broadcast LIVE from Who knows…one of the winners could be you.



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