Most Republican Nominees—299 Total—Deny 2020 Election Result

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Most of the Republican nominees on the ballot this November have either denied or questioned the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, according to a Washington Post analysis. In total, there are 299 GOP election deniers seeking House, Senate, and statewide offices in 48 out of 50 states, with the majority of the deniers currently forecast to win their races. Some 174 are running in safely Republican seats, while another 51 will feature in closely contested races.

The races examined by the Post—which include races for governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, secretary of state, Senate and the House—all hold at least some degree of power overseeing future elections in the U.S. Read more.


  1. Guess washington compost attempt at coercion didn’t convince anybody. Now, lets use the lefts tools. We will LABEL them. What’s the next one? Ohh, were up to the next cycle, letter “E” Election deniers! Just make sure no public transparent investigation ever happens. Shove it under the rug, sue, defame … Whatever it takes. That’s why were up to here after 2 years. These little conservative dumb… can’t think for themselves.

    If there was no fraud, why are the dems afraid of an investigation? Just asking.

  2. It is does not matter what the election did. The Constitution only cares about the electoral college, as the Democrats themselves had pointed out in the 2016 election when these same Democrats tried to cajole and coerce the electoral college to abandon the election results and vote instead for the loser Clinton.

  3. It is a badge of honor!

    Thanks for the list WaPo, now i know who to vote for! If a Republican is not an “election denier”, that alone is a reason to vote them out in the primary.

  4. Give me laughter or give me never said words. This is the raunchiest pace of history one may have seen in a lifetime of paced politics and health.

  5. What evil sheker.

    First, there is nothing wrong with questioning an election – ask any democrat what they did when President Trump entered office 6 years ago.

    Second, regardless of the facts of what actually happened, there is an objectively large difference between someone who questioned an election but accepted it, as opposed to one who denied or at least continues to deny it.

    Yet the Compost lumps together all of those.

    First, perhaps to pretend they have even a shred of integrity, they write “Most of the Republican nominees on the ballot this November have either denied or questioned the outcome of the 2020 presidential election”…Note the two options there, questioned or denied.

    Then, they write: “In total, there are 299 GOP election deniers”.

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