Mrs. Chaya Dina Brus a”h

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It is with great sadness that reports the petirah of Mrs. Chaya Dina (nee Specter) Brus ah of Bensonhurst following a lengthy illness of many years.

Tragically and shockingly, her petirah comes just one month after the untimely petirah of her husband, Rabbi Yeshaya Yechezkel Brus z”l, the 48-year-old son of Rav Moshe Mendel Brus, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Bais Hatalmud, and a grandson of Rav Shaul Brus zt”l, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Bais Hatalmud.

The devastating petirah leaves seven yesomim, the children of R’ and Mrs. Brus, without both of their parents.

The levayah will be held at 10 a.m. at Yeshiva Bais HaTalmud in Bensonhurst, followed by kevurah at 1 p.m. in Lakewood, NJ.

Yehi zichro boruch.




  1. She was such a special lady. All my daughters had her as a teacher in YOB. She will be sorely missed. Bd”e


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