Musk: All ‘Conspiracy’ Theories About Twitter Turning ‘Out to Be True’

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Twitter’s new owner Elon Musk, during an appearance on the “All-In” podcast, said that all the conspiracy theories about his new company are turning out to be true, Newsmax reports.

“To be totally frank,” Musk said, “almost every conspiracy theory that people had about Twitter turned out to be true.

“Is there a conspiracy theory about Twitter that didn’t turn out to be true?” Musk asked. “So far, they’ve all turned out to be true and if not more true than people thought.”

When asked during his appearance if there was any “part of the files that really shocked you,” Musk replied, the “FBI stuff is pretty intense.”



  1. Conspiracy Theories, coined by the CIA after their murder of JFK, are stuff that the government doesn’t want you to investigate.


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