New Harry Potter Book Coming This Summer

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Harry Potter fans will be thrilled with this news. All you others – you know, Muggles – will be asking, “Has Matzav gone mad? Why are they reporting that?” [Or, “Does that belong on a frum website?”]

A new Harry Potter book will be published this summer, author J.K. Rowling announced today. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, a new two-part play set to debut on a London stage, will be released in book form on July 31, the day after the stage show’s premiere.

The eighth installment is based on a new story by Rowling, Jack Thorne, and John Tiffany. The “special rehearsal edition” script book features Harry working at the Ministry of Magic and raising three children.

David Shelley, CEO of Little, Brown Book Group, said, “J.K. Rowling and her team have received a huge number of appeals from fans who can’t be in London to see the play and who would like to read the play in book format—and so we are absolutely delighted to be able to make it available for them.” Read more at CNN.

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  1. Really absurd, it’s nothing wrong just plain weird.
    You made over your website, and that’s it?
    Oh you wrote a disclaimer, sorry.

  2. You’re right, we are asking, “Has Matzav gone mad? Why are they reporting that?” [Or, “Does that belong on a frum website?”] The article did not answer those questions.

  3. What kind of chinuch is this!!!
    If you don’t have any thing good to say don’t say it (Matzav),
    Seyug LA chachma shteeka!!!
    Think twice before you post any news next time!!!!

  4. Like they said, if you’re a Harry Potter fan, you’ll be excited. If not you’ll bash.

    Although I can’t say I’m truly excited. She wrote this with two other writers and this seems to be written in script form, like Shakespeare, rather than written like a novel.

  5. Matzav is smart to report this. I am not a muggle nor did I ever read Harry Potter but if my child was learning to read by this book, I would think that was good.

    Still, Harrp Potter is beyond its human equivalent.

    Just hiccup people. This applies to Judaism because we watch social trends. That is how we learn many survival thoughts.

    Not to mention that by including this story, a sociologist Torah jew can read the reactionary comments from the unsettled and see more of what is still perceived as hostile in Israel. It can help us understand why our final judgment is still mandated by more judges in Israel. We need to have some humor.

    I may never see this book in my house by J.K. Rowling is worth watching. She is a plurality of many.

    Share more non-quintessential stories about popular culture. Maybe Matzav will be fun to manage in the daily routine of good humor.

  6. I fourth the motion. As Matzav lists itself above as “the Jewish world at your fingertips,” I respectfully request that Matzav should please remove this article.

  7. [Or, “Does that belong on a frum website?”]

    At this point I am just saddened by the decline of “Jewish news sites” into “news sites.”

  8. “Kol laytzonussa assurah khutz m’laytsanussa d’avodah zorah”. Laytzunuss – mockery – has no place in Judaism, save for the mockery of idolatry. It is perfectly appropriate for a frum website to review the Harry Potter series for the express purpose of mocking it.

    And what a mockery it is! How can an adult take such nonsense seriously? The Harry Potter stories are as silly as fairy tales such as, “Jack and the Beanstalk”, and “Cinderella” with their magical beans, ogres, giants, and fairy godmothers. Anybody over the age of nine ought to avoid this foolishness.

  9. I find it cute that people complain that matzav shouldn’t report this on a jewish website! But didn’t many rabbis say you can’t use the internet??? Sounds like a case of “everone to the right of is a extremist everyone to the left is lax”. Please reexamine your own values before the negativity

  10. years ago my son’s rebbi saw a boy reading harry potter during recess. the rebbi took away the book, threw it in in the garbage, and proceeded to warn his fourth grade students of their terrible outcome if they proceed to read this book.

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