New York Mayor de Blasio Signs A Bill Creating A Third Gender

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People born in New York City who do not identify as male or female will have the option of choosing a third category for their birth certificates when a bill is signed later on Tuesday.

Mayor Bill de Blasio and City Council Speaker Corey Johnson said the new category of ‘X’ will now be available.


New York City joins California, Oregon and Washington in having the third category on birth certificates, while Washington, D.C. allows it on driver’s licenses.

Read more at Daily Mail..



  1. Without internalizing the eternal lessons of the Torah, people can get quite confused.

    Bereishis 1:27
    And Hashem created man in His image; in the image of God He created him; MALE and FEMALE He created them.

    Nothing there about Gender X.

    • They check their bug eyes before they listen to scientific and biblical worth. All the full an abomination culture.

      Good comment.

  2. Yuck …And they say they are the enlightened ones…

    When you reach a point that you believe that gender is a matter of personal choice (or on this case parental choice) you are so completely removed from reality that you have to rethink your whole life orientation (no pun intended)

    True story. A (non-Jewish) coworker of mine told me that his son picked up such wacky ideas in his liberal college that he is now openly saying that he isn’t sure if is a boy or a girl but he is leaning towards thinking he is a girl.

  3. So, all the idiots who signed there signature with an X, were actually revealing a non-gender preference. Is there a bigger “Shoita” in NYC?

  4. Mayor Warren Wilhelm is a disgrace, as is open toeivanik Johnson, no matter how many ‘frum’ חנפנים fawn all over them.

      • לא עליך המלאכה לגמור ולא אתה בן חורין ליבטל ממנה – רבי טרפון, מסכת אבות

        We need to speak out against toeivah, to show clearly that עם ה’ שונא תועבה, as Rav Moshe Feinstein zt”l instructed years ago.

    • The aguda board members invite him to their homes for shabbos meals, yet the aguda blasts Trump in a letter for stopping illegal immigrants and potential terrorists. Who guided the aguda clearly not the motzeis

      • Wrong. The Moetzes says that is under their auspices so we believe them and rely on them as we rely on them for anything else. Even in eretz yisroel, Daas Torah usually allows joining and supporting even a Jewish government that stands against many of our values in order to fight for the greater Torah good. This is the shita of most Gedolei Yisroel and is followed by the Agudah. Reb Moshe was of this opinion as well. Do you require the candidates that you support to be mekabel the noachide laws to gain your support? Where do you draw the line? Most of us follow Gedolei Yisroel for these matters.

  5. Such human progress. If you are biased and you know it check your burden.

    Half the chromosomes none of the war. DeBlasio.

    A no one in community gain.

    • They believe every other person is born this way and prove it by boys being quiet and refined and girls loud and tomboys. I think deBlasio with such a farkrumte mind is one of those.

  6. You New Yorkers who voted for this Menuval are responsible for this stupidity. Keep voting for DemocRATs and this is what you will continue to get. Morons & Idiots!!!!!

  7. So does that mean they can use both male and female bathrooms? Both male and female locker rooms? Sit in the mens or ladies section in shul, chasuna, kids graduation?

    • Because many Jews live in this state and nominated this sick mayor again and need to know his new rules and regulations of hospitals.

  8. I think it’s not fair (and I’ve heard from others as well) that women should have the beautiful experience of bringing new lives into the world! I really think that us men should have an opportunity! It’s such a beautiful thing! To bring a life into this world! What a zchus!
    Sounds dumb? Hi Bill De Blasio!

  9. Sick man. A pure X himself
    Sick society we live in
    So we say b’simcha “ashreinu mah tov chelkeinu “ and “shelo sum chelkeinu eemuhem “
    Happy and proud to be a Frum Yid

  10. Most incredibly stupid people ever created under God, but so in love with themselves and their supreme entitlement. Fools forever.

  11. The askanim that always support the most radical leftists in NYC politics claim that they have no choice because lemaaseh NYC is 8-1 democrat and lemaaseh they are going to win, regardless of what any Republican claims, so therefore we must strongly support the democrat that the polls indicate is going to win and mimaila we will have an “in” with the victor. This is our way of shmearing our politicians. In other words, we have no choice but to throw our Torah values down the toilet and ulaiy efsher, they’ll help us down the line when we “need” them. I don’t agree with that mihaleich but that’s the metzius hadvorim.

  12. Wrong. Could we have stopped this? We are very clear and they know we are against this. They know they are fighting us. Daas Torah usually allows joining and supporting even a Jewish government that stands against many of our values in order to fight for the greater Torah good. Of course this has its limits and needs careful consideration each time. This the shita of most Gedolei Yisroel and is followed by the Agudah. Reb Moshe was of this opinion as well. Do you require the candidates that you support to be mekabel the noachide laws to gain your support? Where do you draw the line? Most of us follow Gedolei Yisroel for these matters…

    • “We are very clear and they know we are against this. ”

      They know, huh?

      Well, Rav Moshe zt”l called for *public* protest against an early (mild by current standards) toeivah bill in NYC over thirty years ago. He didn’t say “they know”, so feel free to proceed with business/flattery as usual. He instructed to protest publicly to show the world that G-d’s nation hates toeivah.

      AIA bureaucrats and freelance flatterers do not consult their alleged leaders on all such matters. They make the decisions themselves often, if not always.

  13. As of his signature will create that third gender in real life. Unfortunately, people who need urgent psychological care are now being pandered to, and their severe mental disorder is promoted as a perfectly normal variety of human existence.

  14. This is going too far. I am going to write a letter to de Blasio and mail it today. I mean I’ll female it. No, no – I’ll X it.

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