Nikki Haley For President 2024: Not If Trump Runs

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Nikki Haley, former South Carolina governor and United Nations ambassador, said she will only consider a run for president in 2024 if former President Donald Trump declines to, adding she would support Trump if he did decide to run.

“I would not run if President Trump ran, and I would talk to him about it,” Haley told reporters Monday during a visit to South Carolina State University. “That’s something that we’ll have a conversation about, at some point, if that decision is something that has to be made,” The Hill reported.

Haley has been a vocal supporter of her former boss, and gave high praise to Trump’s speech earlier this winter at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).

Read more at NEWSMAX.



  1. I would respectfully request that Ms. Haley reconsider.
    Ex-president Trump at this point is so toxic that he’d not only have no chance of winning, he’d galvanize the opposition and end up costing the Republicans other positions, just as he did in the Georgia runoffs (which is why the Senate is now controlled by the Democratic party).
    Nikki Haley, from everything I’ve seen so far, is smart, decent, conservative, assertive and common-sensical. If I could pick anyone to be President, she’d be at the top of my list.

    • Just a reminder that Trump is still President who stepped aside for a few weeks to let the military take over. He should be back any day now, with G-d’s help, as he said a few days ago, “I believe it is time I circle back.” What do you think this means? If you think the media’s president fake Biden is a president of something, you’re surely still wearing the mask or have worn it for too long and need to immediately take the shot to clear your mind. Why didn’t Biden give a SOTU address? Why doesn’t he want to have contact with other leaders? Why doesn’t he live in the WH in DC?

      You have no idea that your life has been saved by President Trump. You need to stop listening to the gloom and doom from msm and start praying for Trump for your own benefit and for the benefit of your loved ones, klal yisroel and the rest of the world.

      • SC, I think you might want to close the internet and go back to limud haTorah because what you said doesn’t make a lick of sense.

    • nonsense! The Biden chaos thats going on now with killings and executions happened during obama too. During Trumps times it was the most hopeful and best times for the world and it will be again. I’m sorry but Niki Haley ; even if she runs will have to gain back respect from the republican voters. Fact is, Trump has a huge base and Haley betrayed him and will pay heavily for this. She will not run if he does because she knows she will loose against him.

  2. Haley has NO chance of even winning the nomination. She is a classic weak kneed Rino who will (has) fold like a cheap camera as soon as some reporter from CNN asks her an accusatory question.
    Nikki, get lost.

  3. Seems like she is iffy about running altogether. Facing Trump in the primaries would clinch it for her that it is worth it for her

  4. To SC, your comments are so off the wall that I’m hoping they’re a joke. If you’re really serious, I truly hope there aren’t too many people who share these ridiculous and ignorant thoughts. I agree wholeheartedly with Anonymous 10:08. Nikki Haley shares my politicially conservative views, but is so much more intelligent, and more important, she is normal, as opposed to Trump.

  5. To SC:
    Go back to “Alice’s Wonderland”. Keep on dreaming your dreams.
    And, enjoy them.
    Don’t forget “Neigel Wasser” when you wake up & decide to take on the real world.

    • The one who laughs lasts, laughs best. Give it another little while and you’ll see how right SC was. You and others will be in for huuuuuuuge surprise.

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