NJ Bill Would Increase Gas Tax To Help Renew Transportation Trust Fund

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If Amy Pastrana-Flores faces increased costs at gas stations, she desires that the additional funds serve a meaningful purpose. A proposed legislation in Trenton aims to replenish the state’s Transportation Trust Fund, partially by hiking the gas tax.

“Any rise in prices is burdensome for us,” expressed Pastrana-Flores, highlighting the financial strain faced by her generation. Darwin from New York concurred, expressing discontent over the prospect of further gas price hikes.

The proposed bill outlines a gradual increase in the gas tax by approximately 2 cents annually for five years and introduces a $250 fee for electric vehicles. Currently, New Jersey’s gas tax stands at just over 42 cents per gallon.

Karanjit Singh, proprietor of a Mobil station in Garwood, voiced concerns about the detrimental impact of another gas tax hike on his business. He advocated for exploring alternative methods to generate revenue rather than solely relying on gas taxes.

Republicans in Trenton are crafting legislation to explore alternative revenue sources, including tapping into funds from electric vehicle sales. State Senate Minority Leader Anthony Bucco emphasized the need for bipartisan consultation to develop a comprehensive plan that prioritizes infrastructure safety and offers governance alternatives beyond taxing.

Democratic Assemblyman Clinton Calabrese, one of the original sponsors of the bill, stressed the importance of renewing the Transportation Trust Fund to allocate essential financial resources for critical projects, thereby enhancing New Jersey’s transportation infrastructure’s safety and reliability.




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