N.J. Motorists Must Remove Snow From Their Vehicles – By Law

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snowLegislation requiring both commercial and non-commercial drivers in New Jersey to remove snow and ice from their vehicle was signed into law Tuesday by Gov. Jon Corzine.

“Operating a safe vehicle is important at all times, but especially when inclement weather is a factor,” said Assemblywoman Nancy Munoz (R-Union, Essex, Morris, Somerset), one of the bill’s sponsors. “There are many stories of innocent drivers who have died or been seriously injured because of ice or snow dislodged from a truck or car. I am glad that finally, common-sense legislation that protects drivers by requiring the removal of potential flying debris is now law.”

The legislation provides that drivers make all reasonable efforts to remove snow or ice from their vehicle, including the roof, hood, trunk and windshield. In the case of a truck, the law applies to the cab, the top of a trailer or semitrailer being drawn by a motor vehicle, and the top of an intermodal freight container. Drivers who fail to comply with the law face a fine ranging from $25 to $75.

“We’ve all seen some drivers neglect to clean their vehicles and continue to create a hazard on the roads, even after road conditions improve and the weather clears,” said Assemblymen John Wisniewski (D-Middlesex), the Assembly transportation panel chairman and one of the bill’s sponsors. “At the least, snow or ice falling from a vehicle may impair visibility for other drivers or shatter a windshield. At the worst, it could take a life.”

{Star Ledger/Noam Amdurski-Matzav.com Newscenter}


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