NYPD Orders Officers To Stand Down While Drug Addicts Shoot Up

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The New York Police Department (NYPD) gave in last week, after orders from Albany, and told officers to let drug addicts shoot up on the streets and share needles.

“Effective immediately, members of the service should not take any enforcement action against any individual who possesses a hypodermic needle, even when it contains residue of a controlled substance,” a directive to NYPD commanders obtained by the New York Post read.

Senate Bill 2523, which was cited in the order, decriminalizes the possession or sale of the needles and syringes.

“This law says stick a needle in your arm, pump your body with poison and lose your life,” state Sen. Andrew Lanza (R-Staten Island), commented.

“This law says to people suffering addiction that New York has given up on you, that New York doesn’t care about you,” he added.

The measure was signed into law by Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) last week.

The department’s decree also told officers “it is no longer a violation of law for an individual to possess a hypodermic needle, even when it did not come from a pharmacy or a needle exchange program.”

That meant addicts were free to get needles on the black market, or share them with others which posed a risk and created more dangers for the user and community.

Read more at Breitbart.



  1. These new laws are clear indication that the reign of Sodom is strong and active. Another name for this core corruption of morality is the Democratic Party. May Hashem bring our geula soon and quickly and eradicate these vermin from the face of the earth.

  2. I agree. Cy Vance and Letitia James should stay focused on former President Trump’s personal tax returns dating back to 1978. Crime, in their pea brains, doesn’t exist. It’s those dangerous tax returns that keep New Yorkers up at night.

  3. In 2008, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration – a branch of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services – put out a map showing how many people 12 years or older said they have used illicit drugs in the past year.
    According to the survey, traditionally ‘blue’ states like Vermont, New Hampshire and Washington had the highest percentage of drug use, compared to Texas, the Dakotas and Nebraska, which had the lowest drug use rates.
    By inference, interfering with drug use would harm the Democratic party. And now you understand the moral bankruptcy of this policy.

  4. shared needles – the best way to spread AIDS. Seems they are already preparing the groundwork for a new future epidemic “emergency” to give themselves even more intrusive power to “save the planet”.

  5. Kathy Hochul gave out $2 billion last week to illegal immigrants and now this, she is actually an extreme far leftist who hates NRA. dont let pictures with a few frum people fool you, she will go after yeshivas as she kept Cuomos anti yeshiva chancellor.


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