Obama ‘Will Not Stand’ for V.A. Abuse

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obama4Today, President Obama left open the possibility that Veterans Administration Secretary Eric Shinseki could be fired over allegations that V.A. hospitals left waiting patients to die. Obama addressed the press after meeting with Shinseki.

“I will not stand for it,” he said. “If these allegations prove to be true, it is dishonorable, it is disgraceful.”

Obama said those responsible will be held accountable. He also asked for patience, saying “we have to let investigators do their job.”

The president also defended himself, saying the problems of veteran care go back decades, and that “we have been working really hard to address them.” The president expects to receive a report from Shinseki next week that reviews V.A. facilities across the country, and a report from Deputy Chief of Staff Rob Nabors next month about the broader review of how veterans and their families should be served. Read more.

{Andy Heller-Matzav.com Newscenter}


  1. He was told about the VA problems BEFORE he was inaugurated! His “team” warned him about upcoming problems, so now he is just lying about being surprised and outraged!

  2. Obama, will not stand for VA problems, IRS problems, Bengazi Problems, NSA problems, Climate Change Problems, etc. etc. So he is holding his breath until 2016. To bad he doesn’t think, no jobs, financial problems, decrease military, destruction of medical system are problems.

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