Obama Announces Post-Ferguson Task Force

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obamaIn a meeting with a variety of officials and community leaders, President Obama said the underlying issues of policing and relationships with minorities are a national but solvable problem. He is soliciting recommendations to guarantee police departments don’t become militarized, and announced plans to sign an executive order about the issue.

A new task force under former Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey and George Mason University Professor Laurie Robinson will report to him in 90 days with “concrete recommendations” on building back public trust that he has pledged to follow through on.

President Obama has also proposed $75 million in federal matching funds to be spent over three years to provide body cameras for some 50,000 police officers. Meanwhile, Attorney General Eric Holder has announced he will soon release new guidelines to limit racial profiling. Read it at ABC.

{Andy Heller-Matzav.com Newscenter}


  1. Always announcing and pronouncing with no results. Can anyone please list one thing that he succeeded at besides dividing the country?


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