Rep. Ilhan Omar said on Sunday that while some Minneapolis residents felt safer with National Guard troops on city streets after demonstrations over the police-involved death of George Floyd turned violent, others “felt terrorized by the presence of tanks” while protesting.
“I think last night, the community did feel safe to know that there will not be a burning of their businesses and their homes,” she said on ABC’s “This Week.” “We are obviously worried and feeling terrorized about that prospect.”
But, she added, there were “also many people who chose to demonstrate and not abide by the curfew, who felt like they also were terrorized by the presence of tanks, by the presence of the National Guard and a militarized police.”
Read more at The Hill.
This sorry excuse for a human being sees nothing wrong with burning down stores but the poor thugs nebech felt terrorized because tanks were brought in! Well, dumbo, if they act like terrorists the reaction has to be commensurate! If they act civil, tanks would not be brought in!
i am terrorized by her on the streets
Coming from a terrorist to accuse terrorizing.
“It takes on to know one” isn’t that so Omar
Lol the tank are not white
She’s a congresswoman! She is helping form the laws and narrative in this country. Whatever happened to this once great country with its concern for law and order ?
The rioters should all head to HER house. I wonder what kind of tune she’ll sing after that?
That’s the point, lady
OH! So there’s finally military action to arrest the corona elite criminals.
let her go back to Somalia and you won’t see any tanks – only PEACE
I feel so bad for these savage criminals who felt intimidated by military tanks. My heart should bleed for them. But it doesn’t. In fact, once they engage in rioting, they should be considered dead meat, and target practice for live ammunition. I haven’t a care in the world that they have a peeve that is considered an excuse. If they approach my business to loot it or destroy it, I will not be satisfied with anything less than their death. Anyone legitimizing their violence and destruction deserves to become the victim of it. I never did anything to them. Who gives Omar and the rest of the worthless protoplasm that defends these animals the right to destroy my property? I wish these evil politicians the worst, and hope they never see another day in public service.
the nerve of the national guard. imagine terrorizing the hoodlums who are burning and looting buildings, stores, etc. of course, the policeman will be dealt with by the law as he should be, but, according to that paragon of virtue, omar, why bother with the law when you can achieve justice by destroying other people’s lives?
Perhaps I can agree with you.
SOME felt terrorized by the tanks.
However, most residents felt terrorized by the ongoing Violence (which should of been peaceful respectful demonstrations)
by those protesters.
So there the few verses the plenty.
Awwwww, isn’t that just tooo bad? The boogies felt threatened by the tanks. Those momzers should all be blown to smithereens. You don’t have to bury them, they make good fertilizer.
How this brain dead piece of human excrement got elected to congress is anyone’s guess
Hussein Obama, the illegitimate president, started this when he embraced Occupy Wall Street animals and Black Lives Matter anarchists.
Sharpton was in the WH over 20 times.
what tanks? tanks would destroy the roads. does she mean humvees?
I feel terrorized by terrorists in the US House.
Stupid moron.the tanks were sent to instill fear.its not an ice cream truck.it is used to intimidate her kind of thugs
She’s saying that the citizens are afraid that these vehicles are causing climate change and damaging the ozone layer. Her constituents are very concerned about the environment.
Pathetic. Why don’t you say the truth that the protestors felt terrorized by the thugs and hooligans and that’s why the national guard was brought in. To protect their right to protest. So Ms. Omar why are you inciting violence with your lies?
There is really no reason why the little immature kinderlach that run Matzav feel the need to censor and splice people’s comments they’re too dumb to understand.
Omar the Animal;
I hope they come burn your house down with you in it, you low-life good for nothing You’re worried about he fragile feelings of the butterfly protesters, you sick deranged worm. I hope they give you what you deserve and see if you’re still worried about the little-girl feelings of these violent animal rioters.