Once Again United Hatzalah Increases Services In Yehuda and Shomron In Order To Fill Gap Left by MDA

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Following Magen David Adom’s annual announcement that they will be closing services in certain locations in Yehuda and Shomron, United Hatzalah will once again be diverting extra resources, volunteers and emergency vehicles, to those locations in order to provide coverage for the residents of the affected cities.

Following last year’s budget fiasco and MDA’s threat to cut services, United Hatzalah set out to increase its presence in Yehuda and Shomron, the Jordan Valley and Dead Sea region. The organization opened up five new chapters in the areas of Binyamin, Shomron and the Mount Chevron region, and trained an additional 200 volunteers to help provide faster response times in these regions as well as in Gush Etzion, the Jordan Valley and its chapter in Arad and the Dead Sea.

Founder and President of United Hatzalah Eli Beer said: “With the closure of these areas of service by Magen David Adom, United Hatzalah will be sending additional resources to these locations in order to prevent a loss of life. If need be, we will purchase additional ambulances in order to make sure that the residents of Judea and Samaria receive the proper care and are not held hostage by financial games. Last year we added an additional 200 volunteers to our teams in Yehuda and Shomron and we will continue to bolster our presence there so that the residents can receive fast emergency medical care. In addition, we will continue our policy of providing all of our services for free, including ambulance transport.”



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