“ONE HAS TO THINK TWICE ABOUT GOING”: Rav Sholom Kamenetsky On Uman for Rosh Hashanah

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At a reception for the Ukraine Vaad Hatzolah, Rav Sholom Kamenetsky commented on people going to Uman for Rosh Hashanah and the danger it involves.



  1. Russia has not been targeting civilians. There is no evidence of that. They certainly will not target Uman.

    Putin is an Oheiv Yisrael. He is perhaps the last world leader who actually believes in G-d.

    Western media has whipped up the west into a frenzy.

      • You might have meant “raise”, not “higher”. He was actually quite serious.

        Among politicians/world leaders, Russian President Putin is the greatest supporter of Torah in the world.

      • Kol Hakavod Chaim’l. You couldn’t have said it better. It’s the same people who believe in “Doctors” in “Health Ministers” in mainstream media about the jabs believe in the lying media and politicians about Uman. When will these people, especially chareidim wake up?

        BTW President Trump is also a world leader that believes in G-d. Don’t you remember how he mentioned G-d several times in his speeches? Probably the other 3 allied leaders; Modi, Xi and Bin Salman also believe in G-d.

        To ah yid: How many jabs have you already taken that’s blinding so? After all, isn’t your doctor for these jabs? And if you didn’t take any jab, you’re a hypocrite.

      • ah yid. I hope you meant you were truly confused if the comment was sarcastic or real. If not, I suggest you visit a psychologist for missing something so blatantly obvious.

    • I agree. Uman is the safest place in the belt. The Russian is are freinnd. You’re tafillois r answerred in Uman. Don’t be moyreh.
      Avoid Chicago for sure.

  2. There is no Philly minyan there, I’m quite certain, even in a regular year…

    • Moshe, Have you ever been part of it, so you can form an objective opinion.

      Do you have a clue what goes on there?
      If not, it maybe a good idea to think twice before commenting on it…

      • It’s quite a nasty thing to call Covid-19 a fake virus. While it may very well be man made in the Wuhan lab, it still is real.
        It killed far more people than the annual flu virus. I myself was sick in bed for 2-3 days after not being bedridden with the flu for about 20 years. All the usual remedies that helped me function with the flu did not help for Covid-19.

        • If it’s a real virus that killed many, as you say, how is it that nobody can name a single person who died from it – was not murdered in a hospital, did not get the jab and did not have an existing illness?

          What happened to the yearly flu the year you were sick with this covid baloney? How come nobody had the flu? You’re very brainwashed, sir, and lost all your logical thinking.

          • Whoa, speaking of brainwashed and logical thinking. It’s cute how you form your question to create the narrative you desire. So we are to believe according to your contorted logic that hospital Dr’s & nurses who’ve been helping heal patients for years or decades suddenly all became mass murderers!
            All the covid victims with existing illnesses, my mother a”h included, did not die from the flu all the previous winters. According to your logical thinking everyone just died from the “flu” in 5780.
            There was no jab at that time when people were dieing daily.
            You sir, likely believe every conspiracy theory that comes along. If that makes you feel better, so be it.

  3. Annon, you say”I WOULD HEED HIS WORDS”.

    All us Umam travelers indeed did. We thought twice, carefully analyzed the situation, consulted other Chochimim and arrived at an informed decision accompanied by psak allowing us to go.

    You could just as well warn Tel Aviv citizens to not attend shul Yamin Noraim, seeing that RL a terrorist just killed one of their 84 yr old residents and has not yet been caught. Dangerous place to be, no?

    I would also suggest you see today’s daf where learning Torah protected against spread of infection of dangerous illness of student. Same goes for learning and mitzvos at higher level in Uman.

    • If one stays locked up in his Mommy’s basement, fully vaccinated and wearing his disposable mask 24/7, he’ll live forever. Even God won’t be able to get him.

  4. The Breslovers have elevated a minhag of their Chassidus to a status of a Mitzvah for which they are prepared to sacrifice their lives (to say nothing of leaving their families alone).

  5. To be honest, if you can go any year, you can go this year. I respect anyone that wants to go, but to be honest this whole thing was a tremendous chiddush, even to the rest of the talmidei habaal shem hakadosh.

  6. The level.headed people who go ,have a mesorah backing them up. The pictures and videos which the media likes to spread around, are of the hippie types who go too.

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