WATCH: Otzma Yehudit MK To Hamas Leader: We Are Your Door To Gehennom

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MK Almog Cohen from the Otzma Yehudit party delivered a speech in the Knesset plenum on Monday evening, during which he directly addressed Yahya Sinwar, the head of Hamas’s political bureau, in Arabic. Cohen stated, “I want to turn from here to the Nazi Yahya al-Baghdadi Sinwar and tell him in a phrase that he understands very well in Arabic, ‘He who knocks on the door will also receive an answer.'”

Cohen continued, asserting, “You knocked on our door, now you will get an answer. Very soon your head will be on the table. And if you dare to harm any of the hostages, we will attack you severely. Yahya Sinwar, we are the door to your gehennom.”

Later in his speech, Cohen emphasized the need for unity among the citizens of the State of Israel and highlighted the gravity of the situation. He stated, “Citizens of the State of Israel, a stranger will not understand this. Anyone who was not there on that cursed Shabbat will not understand what happened. I hear that they are looking for the guilty parties; we are all guilty. But right now is the time for unity.”

Cohen called for a strong and resolute response, saying, “There needs to be an iron fist that will deal them a very heavy blow. There is a Nazi enemy here who challenges the very existence of the State of Israel, who challenges our lives; we must be united here.”

{ Israel}



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