Out-of-Touch ADL Blasts Tucker’s ‘Dangerous Anti-Semitic Dog Whistle’ on George Soros

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The often out-of-touch Anti-Defamation League, which has repeatedly called on Fox News to fire Tucker Carlson for supposedly peddling “white supremacist conspiracy theories” – a ridiculous claim – criticized the network on Wednesday for embracing what it deems antisemitic rhetoric centered around George Soros, the Daily Beast reports.

Promoting his new anti-Soros documentary—which The Forward says “lauds Hungary’s antisemitic regime”—on Tuesday, Carlson said that Soros’ goal was “destruction aimed at the West” and aims to make society “more dangerous [and] dirtier.”

Noting that the group has always said it’s “totally fair” to criticize Soros’ support of progressive policies and candidates, an ADL spokesperson told The Daily Beast one “can only presume based on Carlson’s track record and his comments” that his new series “will be nothing more than far-right propaganda at best, and at worst a dangerous antisemitic dog whistle sure to be heard loud and clear by a large audience.” The spokesperson added that “casting a Jewish individual as some sort of puppet master”—for which the ADL has called out Fox in the past—has the “effect of mainstreaming antisemitic tropes and giving support to bona fide antisemites.”

The ADL should get back to fighting real anti-Semitism.



  1. In 1944 Hitler’s henchman Adolf Eichmann arrived in Hungary, to oversee the murder of that country’s Jews. The Soros children were all given fake identity papers, and were shipped out to various Christian families. George Soros ended up with a man whose job was confiscating property from the Jewish population. Soros went with him on his rounds, and participated in the selections of those to have their property and businesses confiscated. Where do you think they were sent after that?

    Soros has repeatedly called 1944 “the best year of his life.” In an article in the Wall Street Journal, Joshua Muravchik notes that, “70% of Mr. Soros’s fellow Jews in Hungary, nearly a half-million human beings, were annihilated in that year. They were dying and disappearing all around him, and their numbers no doubt included many whom he knew personally. Yet he gives no sign that this put any damper on his elation, either at the time or indeed in retrospect.”

    During an interview with “Sixty Minute’s” Steve Kroft, Soros was asked about his “best year:”

    KROFT: My understanding is that you went out with this protector of yours who swore that you were his adopted godson.

    SOROS: Yes. Yes.

    KROFT: Went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from the Jews.

    SOROS: Yes. That’s right. Yes.

    KROFT: I mean, that sounds like an experience that would send lots of people to the psychiatric couch for many, many years. Was it difficult?

    SOROS: Not, not at all. Not at all.

    KROFT: No feeling of guilt?

    SOROS: No.

    Of course he didn’t feel guilty. Soros has the moral depth of a clam. Nonetheless, he has said, “my goal is to become the conscience of the world.”

    Soros told Australia’s national newspaper “The Australian”: “America, as the centre of the globalised financial markets, was sucking up the savings of the world. “Destroying America will be the culmination of my life’s work.” Soros also told “The Australian” that the world financial crisis was “stimulating” and “in a way, the culmination of my life’s work.” https: // republicbroadcasting . org/news/destroying-america-will-be-the-culmination-of-my-lifes-work-george-soros/

    • Soros is a vile, disgusting individual, but the quote “Destroying America will be the culmination of my life’s work.” is probably something he never said.

    • George Soros is an Anti America/Anti American traitor.
      Look at his actions.
      He uses his Religion, which BTW he disavows to protect himself, in that any criticism of his treason is anti Semitism.
      He is the most evil person of the 21st century. When he dies I’m sure one of his progeny will fill that slot.

    • Far from being exterminated during the WW2, very early Hungarian Jews saw which way the wind was blowing and vast numbers of them ‘Wintered’ in Moscow. After the war they returned and took over Hungary then made native Hungarians lives a living hell. In 1956 the natives became seriously revolting and posted machine guns and other weapons outside the main Radio Station building in Budapest, shooting anyone who came out or poked his head of a window. That building was the main admin center, housing among others the HQ of the hated secret police who caused many Hungarians to simply ‘disappear’. The Hungarian government called the Army in to help, but the rank and file turned on them and commenced handing out weapons to the Natives. In a short few weeks the Natives had overthrown their hated Jewish government. Of course then Moscow sent in their Tanks to ‘restore order’. This experience was not lost on America’s Jews to this day (they never forget) Army and Police are essential for a Jewish government to retain power. Lose them and you are done. That is why large numbers of US Marines and countless others have been discharged ‘due to n compliance with VAX mandates’. Not only in occupied America, but Germany where senior Government officials have openly declared that their military ‘seem to hold the Elites in contempt’.

  2. Thank you for this perspective, you are totally right that Tucker is not an anti-semite and criticizing a person who happened to be born Jewish (and is now practicing shmad against the religion) is NOT anti-semitism! Sadly, there are many bad Jews out there but B”H there are also many good Jews. Attacking a group is a problem but individuals who hurt others are fair game for criticism.

  3. It’s generally a good idea to follow the trail of money. Does Soros fund the ADL? It’s not always easy to figure this out, b/c some “charitable” organizations hide their funders through all kinds of various foundations and corporations but it’s a strong possibility that Soros money helps fund the ADL, thereby rendering their opinion completely biased and worthless.

  4. Soros had a Jewish with an animalistic soul, same kind of soul as Bill Gates, Fauci, Hillary and the elite swamp who are b”H all gone.

  5. The ADL is who is promoting the worst negative tropes against we Jews, not Tucker Carlson! Any American who is not deeply disturbed by the hateful ethnic warfare being waged by the ADL is asleep or a bigot themselves. The ADL’s actions are what is promoting bad feelings against us, not Tucker Carlson’s.

  6. The ADL has become the mouthpiece of the evil George Soros, I would bet my bottom dollar that this evil man is their main benefactor.

  7. As usual the left wing ADF only offers criticism void of fact’s, logic or a reason for their claims. And as usual, Tucker offers facts that can be verifies, and examples and proof of the sorros agenda.

  8. What can we expect from an Org that has just hired a new “director of Jewish outreach” a radical self-hating leftist named Tema Smith..

  9. Tucker Carlson presents FACTS, and all the ADL does is hurl insults and name calling. Only suckers and losers fall for that BS. Tucker has the TRUTH with him, ADL are a bunch of satanic shills.

  10. I would be curious to know how much support the ADL gets from Soro’s various organizations. His MO has always been Buy the Competition…

  11. Tucker is just telling the truth and sharing facts – Soros is evil. It is not a commentary on the Jewish people.
    Stop twisting his and other people’s comments…

  12. Hmmm… one way to defuse the power of being called a white supremacist is to embrace it. Maybe its time to consider that other ‘racial’ groups have race specific organizations so whites should too. I am wondering if having clearly defined groups would be to everyone’s advantage as it would, potentially, increase transparency. I understand that it would be less than desirable for those who use obscurity to hide their actions, influence, financials, etc. but it would be an opportunity to put to bed some of the theories on Jewish, Arab, White methods for control. Also, those that use claims of white supremacists would become a “so what?”.

    Of course, suggesting that probably makes me a white supremacist, at least to those who need to keep the “White Supremicist” Cultural Myth alive.

  13. The American left is primarily comprised of non-observant communist Jews. In the United States government there are just to many to list.
    Joe MacCarthy saw this 1946 and was the first victim of the Jewish controlled MSM. Most if not all were communist cadres.
    Schumer, Nadler, Schiff, and Feinstein are a few of the front men and are allowed in the national spotlight. There are many, many more working behind the scenes at the bequest of George Soros to destroy our nation.
    On the other hand we have super patriots like Mark Levin , whom the ADL despises and has nothing good to say about him.
    Bottom line is, you can’t judge the Jew by his ethnic or religion. That does not mean you can’t call a spade a spade and leftist Jews should be called out and attacked for their efforts to destroy this nation. They do not deserve a pass because they are Jews. Neither do Christian’s and Muslims enjoying the freedoms given by our forefathers.
    Love the United States as it is or leave it for the third world slums you came from.

  14. The ADL was and is a storefront for B’nai brith, a secret society organisation set up just prior to the Civil War by Palmerston as a conduit for money to the southern secessionists in one direction and intelligence on the North going the other way, al of that generally traversing through Montreal, a key British Oligarchy centre for organising anti-American activities. These storefronts were and are fronts for the efforts to destroy the US and have the illusory appearance of being Jewish… but as Palmerston designed his spy network in the US, they have almost nothing to do with real Jews. As anti-American fronts, it is consistent that they should defend the man who is purported to have said his life goal is to destroy the US.

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