Panama City Opens New 80,000 Sq. ft. Kosher Supermarket

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A mega kosher supermarket of 80,000 square feet would be news anywhere in the world but especially for a community that has grown from some 5,000 kosher observant Jews in 2000 to well over 20,000. The Jews, mostly of Sephardic descent, enjoy living in a “duty-free” zone. Jay Buchsbaum, senior executive of Kedem who participated in the opening ceremonies two weeks ago could not believe the size and variety of products from all over the world that are displayed at the new “Super-K” store. Says Buchsbaum: “Because of the “free” zone, a Panamanian Jew can buy kosher wine for about the same price as Jews would in Chicago or within a dollar of a shopper in Lakewood.” The Zakai family, which owns the supermarket, has been in the grocery business since 1907.

Super-K has its own slaughtering facility for fowl in the supermarket complex which is in a large mall.  Customers can literally be part of the shechita process with an extensive selection of imported beef nearby. Other features of the new mega supermarket include a bakery which does baking on premises, two restaurants, a play area for children while parents’ shop. According to Buchsbaum, Kosher-K has the best selection of kosher wines outside of New York. It has its own bank and a pharmacy, as well as a huge section of housewares.

Many Jews who live in Panama are refugees from Venezuela who were forced to flee with the changed political and economic climate. In addition to Panama, kosher has expanded in many other Latin American countries.


    • Nu, lead by example. If you go, I’ll follow suit. I have a good voice so I’ll be the Baal Teffila be”h. No tachanun by Mincha please. What about my not moving to Lakewood? If I move to Panama instead will my kids still get that “good” shidduch?

    • Why? So that a solid uniform kehila under one rov, psak, and hechsher should splinter and have machlokes?
      As for shtieblach, let the people daven in the main shul, berov am, observing zmanei tefilah. Those who prefer shtieblach could start their own communities, without invading existing ones. The beautiful Sefardic kehila of Panama City isn’t missing anything

  1. Wow. The pictures you’ve posted of the facilities are amazing. I especially like the lighting on the sign. Very creative. The selection of different cheeses shown are unbelievable.


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