Pelosi Formally Seeks Another 2 Years As Speaker

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Speaker Nancy Pelosi wants another two-year term running the House, cementing her role — for now — as the most powerful woman in Washington.

The 80-year-old Pelosi is coming off a disappointing Election Day, where her party lost at least five seats so far in the House, but the California Democrat intends to stay in the speaker’s chair during the 117th Congress, according to letters sent to her colleagues on Friday morning. Pelosi has served as the Democratic leader since 2002, and the vast majority of her colleagues have never known anyone else running their caucus.

Read more at Politico.



  1. umachsheyfa lo sechaye! she has wealthy friends that supply her with many funds for demonrat party so very difficult to remove her from speakership slot.

  2. Pelosi is just one Botox shot short of not being able to speak at all.
    Why do some people insist on holding on to power until having to be carried out at room temperature? Apparently, even for a supposed liberal fighter for the people, it’s never enough.

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