P’eylim / Lev L’Achim Flatbush Community Breakfast This Sunday, January 21st

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Flatbush, Brooklyn – Under the leadership of Executive Board Chairman Yanky Arem, the Lev L’Achim Flatbush event has come to encompass 100 groups including 84 Shuls and 16 summer colonies. Close to 10,000 personalized letters went out on the letterhead of the more than 120 chairmen who serve as the representatives of their shuls and summer groups.

The program, which will begin at 9:30 a.m., will include Divrei Bracha from the Philadelphia Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Shmuel Kamenetsky shlit’a and the Mara D’Asra of the Agudah of Avenue L, Rav Moshe Tuvia Lieff shlit’a.

There will also be a video entitled “Bringing Them to the Bais Medrash” featuring Lev L’Achim’s 90 evening learning centers all across Eretz Yisroel.

The legendary leader of the Israeli Teshuva Movement, Rav Uri Zohar shlit’a, will speak on behalf of the Hanhala of Lev L’Achim and convey the inside perspective of what is happening all across the country as people open their homes and embrace Lev L’Achim and the message of Torah for all.

Flatbush will have the opportunity to hear one of the rising stars of the Torah world. Rav Doniel Osher Kleinman shlit’a. Mara D’Asra of Khal Nachlas Dovid, is renowned as the editor of the nine volume collection of Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky’s piskei halacha. He is also a spellbinding speaker and was in Israel this past week where he toured Lev L’Achim programs and saw firsthand what is transpiring on the front lines of the effort to bring all of Israel Torah U’Mitzvos.

The famed ba’al chesed Reb Avrohom Banda and his team from Pomegranate will once again be sponsoring the breakfast and will be putting out their amazing spread which greatly enhanced past Lev L’Achim Flatbush Breakfasts and is sure to do so this year again.

And finally, a special treat is in store as the “Memory Lane Singers” treat attendees to “Songs of JEP.” All in all, this is an event you will long remember.

Men only. Valet Parking.


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