Pfizer’s CEO lambasted purposeful spreaders of misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines in an interview Tuesday. Albert Bourla said of the “very small” group, “Those people are criminals. They’re not bad people. They’re criminals because they have literally cost millions of lives.”
The doubt those people sow about vaccinations, he said, “is the only thing that stands between the new way of life and the current way of life.” Pfizer asked the Food and Drug Administration to authorize all eligible adults to receive a booster shot of its coronavirus vaccine Tuesday. Read more at CNBC.
is this the guy who gave biden $400,000 towards his campaign and withheld the vaccine being available till 5 days after the election. What do you expect from these corrupt pharmaceutical people. Trump gave them over $200B to create the vaccine. He built the factories for them. Talk about credibility issues – wouldn’t trust this guy after how they betrayed the American people by getting this old geezer into the White House.
Speaking of criminals, this guy takes the cake.
Yup. This is Europe in the dark ages all over again. Whoever disagrees with your corruption, brand them as dangerous and throw them in labor camps or burn them at the stake.
Uncertainty, the greatest component of risk. If there had been more of a certain response to Covid, as the Chinese government did in Wuhan, a 100% no nonsense lockdown of all for 2 weeks, we might have been singing a different song. However we cherish our oppositional defiant disorder (we embrace ODD) and for that we suffer. Misinformation isn’t our greatest threat as it’s caused by uncertainty and uncertainty is a great threat.
I’m uncertain of what your point is.
Boy, you sure love that word.
Than I suggest you immigrate to the Chinese utopia.
What is Covid? Could you name 1 person in the world who died from Covid – had no existing illness, was not murdered in a hospital and did not take the death shots? Just one.
“They’re criminals because they have literally cost millions of lives.”
Excuse me??? Millions of lives??? What the hell is he talking about???! Why didn’t the media report on the “millions” of deaths? Death from what? Is Bourla alive? Maybe this rodent died with along with the millions. Those small group of bloggers must be arrested immediately. Where is Merrick Garland? Where is Letitia James?
So this billionaire is going to lecture us on what propaganda is??? Pfizer has already murdered many over the years with all their poisonous drugs they’ve been dispensing.
Excellent remark! You have hit the nail right on the head! Yes, it is the PFIZER COVID VACCINE — along with THE OTHER THREE COVID VACCINES from Moderna, AstraZeneca, and Johnson & Johnson — that have killed MANY MILLIONS OF PEOPLE throughout the world in just this barely a year since they were first introduced.
I never thought of pharma companies as criminals, but here we have it from their own guy.