Photos: Chabad Shluchos Take 5784 Annual Kinnus Group Photo

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Thousands of Chabad Shluchos from around the world posed for a group photo at 770 Eastern Parkway this morning prior to the annual Kinus Hashluchos.


  1. Shame shame shame

    Against the Torah

    Against mesorah

    no not Chabad… this pathetic excuse for a frum site

    I will make an attempt bln to stop viewing this site

    It is better to view Fox News site than a site that should know better

  2. Aha. So the grosser chachomim at Matzav will censor any comment that mentions a name of a female, Yid or goy, on an article that they themselves put forward. But yet you go ahead here, in a total breach of tzinius, and publish hundreds of pictures of nashim without any gevul. You are worse than hypocrites. You can wear that white shirt, rub your hands in aidelkiet, and shukle like a tzaddik during shmoneh esrei in order to impress the shadchanim, so your poor kids should land that top tiered shidduch, but don’t worry, you’ll get what’s coming to you. Limaaseh, your parnasa is strictly the internet. You heiligeh phonies know better. Brech

    • Matzav posted many pictures of married women, shateil, outfits, and jewelry at some sort of kinnus shiluchim for Lubavitch. Posting pictures of married Yiddishe vibber in such a public way, is a chilul Hashem on Matzav’s part, of epic proportions. This is a major breach of tzinius on Matzav’s part. Not sure what their yetzer horah cheshbon is. Generally, earning a few extra dollars is the real motivation. Matzav has lost respect in the Frum Olam today by posting this. They’ll rue this day.

  3. out of sensitivity to those on this sight, one picture of all the shluchos would have sufficed. Do we need to see individual people? Probably not.

  4. To all you so called frumies!

    Two questions?

    Your vile comments above was it out of frumkeit or hatred?

    If it was out of frumkeit, Firstly: did you visit the matzav website on your iPhone? Feh! Feh! Secondly: the heading on matzav was ” photos of kinus hashluchos”, why did you open it up? Thirdly: I’m imagining that you are sixteen year Olds. When did you look on this post, during davening, or in the middle of your rosh yeshivas shiur.

    If it’s out of hatred. If you ever are in trouble abroad, who will you contact for help, for food, hospital stay, incarceration, misaskim r”l.

    You guys should first start making a cheshbo hanefesh with yourselves.

    • Hmmm, a little projecting there, eh?
      It’s not about either one of your 2 choices. It’s about MATZAV’S phoniness and duplicity! It is Matzav’s hypocrisy of illegally censoring people comments when it comes to anything even remotely nogia an isha, but then they themselves publish clear pictures with hundreds upon hundreds of MARRIED women taking selfies and the like. No other Lakewood publication would allow such a breach of basic tzinius, but Matzav knows better.


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