Photos: Chavrusah Tumult at Beth Medrash Govoha

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img_1246[Photos below.] Lakewood, NJ – A large crowd gathered yesterday and today at Beth Medrash Govoha in Lakewood, NJ, to kick off the tri-annual chavrusah tumult that takes place before each zeman – winter, spring, and at the beginning of Chodesh Elul. Yesterday’s gathering saw beautiful weather, with clear skies and sunshine.

Following chavrusah tumult, chaburos and seats  will be finalized for the thousands of talmidim in the yeshiva. The yeshiva has appointed special memunim tasked with the responsibility of helping any talmid who requires a chavrusah or chaburah.

This zeman, the official yeshiva masechta is Maseches Bava Basra, with the beginning of the first perek being learned during first seder. In various botei medrash, the yeshiva has chaburos devoted to covering virtually every area of Shas and poskim, offering many options for the yeshiva‘s talmidim to choose from.

To view an album of photos of the chavrusah tumult, see below:

{ Newscenter/Photos: Walden Studios for}


  1. As I sit at my desk in a large corporate law firm, this posting brings back very fond memories of the best days of my life.

  2. I still don’t understand the point in posting these pictures every year?

    Ever consider posting pictures of the people once they are sitting and learning.

    Baffled every time

    Alte Bucher

  3. To #7:
    You say:

    “#4, who taught hou how to spell?”

    What does “hou” mean? I couldn’t find it in the dictionary.

    Back at yah, big guy.

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