Photos: The Kaliver Rebbe Performing an Upsherin in Meron This Past Week (JDN)

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  1. When was this? This year they’re not letting anyone go to Meron. They’ve closed it off miles before. But you can fly over the holy tzion with a helicopter for about $5,000 for a group of 7.

  2. How could he cut the hair b4 the boy turns 3 is my issue, this is obviously B4 Lag Bomer, what are his sources 4 doin this

    • What makes you say the boy is not 3? More likely than not he’s cutting the child’s hair on the day of his 3rd birthday. Many hold that not cutting hair during Sefira does not pertain to 3 year olds because it’s a mitzva of making peyos for the child. Tzanz Klausenburg and many others follow this minhag.

  3. Only those that get an upsherin as a child grow up to be talmedei chachomim and get into South Fallsburg and Brisk. The rest are relegated to shiur bais of a hohum yeshiva for shvache kep.

  4. If only all these commentators would have such kashyos when they learn gemorah, klal yisroel would be in good shape


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