Photos: This Week at the Woodbourne Shul, Led by Rav Mordechai Jungreis of Nikolsburg

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    • It’s meant for the mosrim who drive by. They don’t want any trouble from the local officials. As you see, the Rebbe is always wearing a mask. The Rebbe is a well known exceptional genuine Ohaiv Yisroel who would NEVER kick out a fellow Yid from deening the Aibishter, regardless of what “disgressions” they may have done. Every Yid is precious and always welcome by Rabbi Jungries. I will always remember how the Rebbe once met me on Avenue J on an erev Shabbos and without knowing me, came over and gave me a big warm hug. The Rebbe must have nevuah or special siyata dishmaya because I was going thru a very difficult period at the time and that hug from a Rabbinic looking man gave me a tremendous boost and encouragement. It brightened my day and led to a great Shabbos. May HKB”H continue to bentch him and protect him in all his ways.

  1. What kind of chutzpah is this?

    Only like eighty photos for a whole week? A shandeh.

    Where is kavod for the Rebbeh? There are 168 hours in a week. Take off around thirty for Shabbos. You still have around 140 hours. They couldn’t take a least one photo of the Rebbeh every hour?

    • You are the mechutzaf here. The rebbe gives of himself 24/7, to extremes hardly found in the frum community. He takes the “Osek betzorchei tzibbur” way beyond where anyone else goes. Let them take many hundreds more photos, and let him keep getting our support (Syatta Dishmaya already there) to continue his Avodas Hakodesh.

      So, ???, what is your Avodas Hakodesh? In what way will you serve to improve the comforts, convenience, and service to Acheinu Beis Yisroel? We’re all waiting to hear.

      • ב”ה there are many people in כלל ישראל who are metzuyanim in chesed.

        “So, ???, what is your Avodas Hakodesh? In what way will you serve to improve the comforts, convenience, and service to Acheinu Beis Yisroel? We’re all waiting to hear.”

        ומה ה’ דורש ממך כי אם עשות משפט ואהבת חסד והצנע לכת עם אלהיך – מיכה ו:ח

        איך לך יפה מן הצניעות – רש”י, שמות לד:ו, מדברי חז”ל בענין הלוחות, למה נשברו לוחות הראשונות

        I have done, do, אי”ה will do, much for כלל ישראל, I just don’t have a PR agent posting photos regularly.

  2. The ‘no shlepping’ sign on the bathroom is insensitive to those with conditions of colitis, IBS and Crohns, all prevalent amongst Yidden.

    • The purpose of the sign is that don’t stam sit there playing on your phone or leaving comments on Do your thing and come out so the next guy can use it.

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