Photos: Yidden Don Sackcloth and Say Tikkun Chatzos to Protest Construction of Light Rail on Rechov Bar Illan in Yerushalayim

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  1. The burlap adds a pleasant hint of color to a drab black outfit.

    Besides, what’s the worst that could happen? One of them accidentally gets sold as a grapefruit?

  2. I’m here in Yerushalayim visiting from NY and I’m finally understanding the issue with clarity. The train due to traverse straight across a really busy frumer neighborhood will transport all kinds of people who are not from this neighborhood. The tracks are the olden times trolley – on the street and these trains will be filled with Arabs, the-not-yet-affiliated and goyim and other undesirables whereas till now these people were not here. This transport system will make them be in these neighborhoods all the time. These people are not okay with that.

  3. I’m here in Yerushalayim visiting from NY and I’m finally understanding the issue with clarity. The train due to traverse straight across a really busy frumer neighborhood will transport all kinds of people who are not from this neighborhood. The tracks are the olden times trolley – on the street and these trains will be filled with Arabs, the-not-yet-affiliated and goyim and other undesirables whereas till now these people were not here. This transport system will make them be in these neighborhoods all the time. These people are not okay with that. We’ve got to feel their anguish! The government did not consider them and they’re not happy.

  4. A woman, who admittedly and unabashedly claims to be “not very fond of the charedim,” donned sackcloth and stood next to the crowd as it recited tikkun chatzos to protest construction of the Light Rail system. When she was asked if she too was opposed to construction of the Light Rail system, the woman said, “Certainly not! But when I see there are no women standing side-by-side and arm-in-arm with the men as they pray, I feel like mourning.”

  5. נהיה ככל הגוים that’s what some people want and it seems they’re getting it. some jews demand the right to live in EY because it was promised to us in the torah. so, they feel they have the right to pick and choose which parts of the torah to respect. it gives the frum more to cry about so the frei can laugh at us

    • That same Torah also promised to expel the Jews from E”Y, about which we will spend the day discussing this coming Sunday, 9 Av, unless Mashiach comes first.

    • If you would see what the secular neighborhoods look like H”Y, you’d understand the urgency of these protests.

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