PLUGGING THE LEAK: More Evidence Fauci Shutdown Lab Leak Debate, ‘Sidelined’ CDC Dissenter

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Former CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield says he was “sidelined” from the COVID debate by Dr. Anthony Fauci for having a “different point of view” regarding where the virus originated.

From The New York Post:

Redfield, 71, told Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) that his support for the theory that the coronavirus accidentally emerged from a laboratory in Wuhan, China — rather than jumping from animals to humans — likely prompted his exclusion from high-level discussions of the outbreak.

“I think I made it very clear in January [2020] to all of them why we had to aggressively pursue this,” he said. “And I let them know as a virologist that I didn’t see that this was anything like SARS or MERS. … And they knew that was how I was thinking.”

Redfield added that he was not aware that Fauci and then-National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins had convened a conference call on Feb. 1, 2020 to discuss the worldwide outbreak until internal emails were published by the Washington Post and Buzzfeed News in June 2021.

“I didn’t know there was a February 1 conference call until the Freedom of Information came out with the emails, and I was quite upset, as the CDC director, that I was excluded from those discussions,” he said.

“Why would they do this?” Comer asked.

“Because I had a different point of view,” Redfield responded. “And I was told that they had made a decision that they would keep this confidential until they came up with a single narrative — which I will argue is antithetical to science.”

He added: “Science never selects a single narrative. We foster — as my colleagues just said — we foster debate. And we’re confident that with debate, science will eventually get to the truth.”

Watch the clip below:



  1. Fauci and the Biden democrats have the blood of millions of humans on their dirty hands. They are the epitome of evil. True Sodomites.

    • The Biden administration doesn’t exist. It exists only in the media for the dummies. It’s Fauxi, the CDC, the CIA and the Deep State Sodomites have bloods of millions of humans on their hands.

  2. Fascinating how the mainstream news waits to report these things until months, even years after they have been reported by the alternative news. Glad the truth is finally being reported but it is frustrating to see it reported as if it was new information that was recently uncovered.

    • As long as mainstream “news” has gullible sheeple to believe them, why not? What’s fascinating is that the sheeple are still falling for their lies bigly when there is not an iota of truth in anything they report. If not for the “conspiracy theorists” billions would’ve been killed by the Deep State Cabal’s mouthpiece, the mainstream media accomplices in the covid genocide.

  3. Something sounds foul!
    There’s so much free and open mediums that he could have gotten his voice heard! I think there might e more to the story than this guy is first now telling us! Was he paid off to keep shut??


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