Policeman Shocked To See Two Kids Sleeping In Park…Reason Was Terrifying

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Yitzchok Stein was shocked ten years ago when he was cruising on night shift as a volunteer cop when suddenly, he spotted movement in the local park. Stein notes that it was 4 A.M. and he double-checked that his gun was loaded just in case things, whatever it was out there, got out of hand. But when he moved in closer, he couldn’t believe his eyes: Lying on the slide side by side were two children, presumably brother and sister, shivering and huddling together to keep warm in the February night air. 

After overcoming his shock, Stein gently explained to the kids that he wanted to help them and brought them to the police station where a social worker eventually coaxed the story out of the older one. Introducing himself as Pesach Miller, the boy explained that several days before he and his sister had come home from school to an empty house. They later discovered that their mother had been submitted to the psychiatric ward of the hospital and that their father had subsequently abandoned them.

“We felt so abandoned, confused, and scared,” explains Yitzchok so many years later.

“We didn’t know where to turn.”

Several days later the police department located a distant relative of the children named Tziri Weinberg who graciously offered to take the children in upon hearing their heartbreaking story. The kids moved in and slowly, they began to feel like a part of the family.

“It was like the light in our lives had turned back on,” says Pesach.

“These malachim truly saved us in every sense of the word and I could never, ever be more grateful for what they’ve done for us.”

Today, Pesach and his sister still live by the Weinbergs and have become their son and daughter in every sense of the word. Much to the Weinbergs’ excitement, Pesach recently announced his engagement. But they have eight children of their own besides for Pesach and his sister, and they don’t know how they will pay for this wedding.

Funds are being collected by the Vaad HaRabbanim to help the Weinbergs pay for Pesach’s wedding. He and his kallah both come from simple means, and have no way to afford a wedding or the basics to begin their first home. Those who wish to help a boy with no true parents in this world can do so byclicking here.


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