Poll: 40 Percent Less Likely To Travel If Airlines Stop Requiring Masks

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Americans are almost equally divided over the issue of mask mandates on flights, with 40% saying they would be less likely to travel on an airplane if airlines stopped requiring face coverings.

Thirty-five percent said they would be more likely to fly if masks were not mandatory, and 25% declared the issue moot, according to a new survey by Finance Buzz.

Other results from the poll, which tried to find out how the surge in coronavirus cases due to the Delta variant have affected the travel plans of Americans, included:

  • Fifty-five percent of Americans have cancelled or changed their travel plans due to the increased coronavirus cases caused by the delta variant.
  • Among potential travelers, 47% would be more likely to fly domestically if airlines began requiring proof of coronavirus vaccination for passengers, 27% said they would be less likely to fly if this was done and another 25% said that a vaccine policy would not change their attitude.
  • Almost 60% consider the coronavirus transmission rate of a potential travel destination when deciding where to go on vacation, while 68% take into account the masking rules in potential travel destinations.
  • Forty-three percent said they are more likely to visit New York City because of its new vaccine requirement to dine in at restaurants, while 28% said they are now less likely to visit the Big Apple due to that reason.
  • Fifty-eight percent of those surveyed said they have not travelled by airplane at all since the start of the pandemic, with the most common reason, at 50%, citing concerns about the coronavirus.

Read more at NEWSMAX



  1. Let the maskeraders wear double or triple masks for those who don’t wear them. Or better yet, for the safety of other passengers, the sick maskers should not be allowed to travel.

    • No no no. You must stay in your Mommy’s basement with a full adult diaper covering your face 24/7. All Shuls should be locked up for Yom Kippur.

    • This is the United States, not Soviet Russia or Nazi Germany. This is a republic, not a fascist/authoritarian dictatorship.

      As well, if a woman in this country can choose to kill her unborn baby because of her right to claim “my body my choice”, then it is the height of hypocrisy to deny any other American that same right to “my body my choice” in not taking the shots.

      And what happens if an 11 year old kid has Covid on that plane?

    • Your diety, the honorable Joe Biden, has the most powerful position in the world. He is the best America has to offer. Apparently better than all African Americans in this country as well. Bob Casey voted for him. But besides that, Dr. Jill is so gracious. There is no reason for you to worry about anything. The evil racist Trump is gone. Joe & Dr. Jill are here to help.


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