Poll: More Than 4 In 10 Now Say Socialism Would Be Good For US

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More than 4 in 10 respondents in a new Gallup poll now say that socialism would be a good thing for the U.S.

The survey results, released Monday, found that 43 percent of respondents said “some form of socialism” would be a good thing for the nation as a whole.

The results show an increase of 15 points in the number of respondents who said socialism would be a good thing compared to a 1942 Roper/Fortune survey, in which just 25 percent of respondents said socialism would be a good thing and 40 percent said it would be bad.

Read more at The Hill.



  1. This poll, like all the others, was taken from 10 leftist staff members in one of fakestream offices. It’s the same “Gallup Poll” that showed Hillary winning 91% in 2016. Ha! Ha! Ha! Where is she now?

  2. Socialism is taking from the citizens to give to the poor, whether they like it or not. The middle class always suffers. They don’t benefit from the programs but they pay high taxes and pay for all the services that are given to really poor people for free. They are squeezed from both sides. The rich can afford what they need, the poor get it for nothing and the middle class, who should be called upper lower class can’t afford what they need either, but they have to subsidize those who are poorer. Socialism stinks.

  3. Morons, more like lemmings who follow the mediacrity. The mediacrity gives rise and credence to whatever sells advertising dollars. Follow the money, because news is entertainment, not news. We is Rome and the slide is ever being greased.

  4. Morons, more like lemmings who follow the mediacrity. The mediacrity gives rise and credence to whatever sells advertising dollars. Follow the money, because news is entertainment, not news. We is Rome and the slide is ever being greased.

  5. It’s safe to assume that over 90% of that 40% are expecting to have other people give them money because of socialism and not be the ones paying their money to others because of it

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