Poll: Three in Four Americans ‘Concerned’ About Biden’s ‘Health, Mental Acuity’

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More than three in four Americans are concerned about the health and mental acuity of President Joe Biden to varying degrees, according to a poll, Breitbart reports.

The Yahoo/YouGov poll shows that a plurality of Americans (39 percent) are “Very” concerned about his “health and mental acuity.” Another 21 percent are “Somewhat” worried, and 17 percent are “Slightly” concerned. Moreover, these worries are held among 82 percent of the independents sampled in the poll. Only 23 percent of Americans have no concerns about Biden’s cognitive faculties or health.

The poll also asked respondents if they view the 46th president to be competent. A plurality of 49 percent of Americans believe he lacks competence versus just 35 percent who believe he is capable of successfully doing the job. Breitbart



  1. Could he just fear the election? Dug away, he will lose to almost any good GOP leader because we are very nervous.

    They are just trying to set a tough guy up for an office he barely gets.

  2. I am completely flabbergasted that the mental acuity of elected officials would ever be questioned. On the other hand, the mental acuity of electorate has been proven a no-brainer.

  3. I am completely flabbergasted that the mental acuity of elected officials would ever be questioned. On the other hand, the mental acuity of the electorate has been proven a no-brainer.

  4. The majority of Americans are aware that actors are playing for Biden. So 3/4 is definitely is a lie. Perhaps the “polls” are referring to 3 in 4 chareidim who have no idea what’s happening in the world because they only follow mainstream fake news.

  5. Poll: Three in Four Americans ‘Concerned’ About Biden’s ‘Health, Mental Acuity’
    The poll also showed that one in four Americans were concerned about their own health, and didn’t have much time to ponder Mr. Biden’s health status, except as a quick afterthought.
    “I’m gaining too much weight,” said one of those four Americans, “time for me to start cutting back on the cookies and chips, unless I want to spend the rest of my life in the emergency rooms.”
    “Hmm,” he added, “Biden looked tired today.”
    “I forgot where I left my toothpaste and my towel.” said another one of the aforementioned one of four Americans. “This wouldn’t have happened to me a few short years ago. I better start eating some salmon and other kinds of brain-nutrient food, or I won’t remember anything soon!”
    “Hmm,” he added, “Biden seemed a bit lethargic today…. Will someone please tell me where I left my toothpaste?!”
    The poll also showed that only one percent of Americans have absolutely no concerns about their own health, and those one percent of Americans just happen to be tiny infants, who are too young to contemplate health.


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