President Obama in NY/NJ Area Today

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obama3President Obama is in the New York/New Jersey area today. He’s addressing the NAACP convention, and he’s hoping his popularity rubs off on some local politicians. Obama will first head to the town of Holmdel, New Jersey. There he’ll be stumping for Governor Jon Corzine, a Democrat who’s hoping to be re-elected, but is way behind in the polls to Republican Chris Christie. The president’s will also attend a Corzine fundraiser with just 200 attendees, but which is expected to raise over a million dollars.

In the evening, the president will arrive in midtown Manhattan, where he’ll deliver the closing remarks to the NAACP at its 100th anniversary convention.

The president will be accompanied by Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, who addressed the NAACP earlier this week and introduced Sonia Sotomayor at her confirmation hearings. These events are likely to enhance Gillibrand’s profile as she fights to hold on to her senate seat.

{WNYC/ Newscenter}


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