Pro-Life Activists Are Making Fake Appointments to Thwart Abortion Providers

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Anti-abortion activists in the Philadelphia area are targeting abortion providers by making fake appointments in a bid to keep them from treating real patients, according to a new report by Philly Magazine. Activists who spoke to the magazine on the condition of anonymity said they hope to overwhelm the system and delay abortions, with the ultimate goal of “sav[ing] every life possible,” according to one person interviewed.

One activist called the technique “technological warfare,” and another said they make dozens of fake appointments every day.

Sheila Ramgopal, the CEO of a reproductive health center in Pittsburgh, said some of the activists contact on-call services and feign medical emergencies to “distract us from giving people the care they need.” Ramgopal said that even though providers are aware of a surge in such fake appointments, adding any kind of extra vetting procedure to the appoint-making process was not an option, as that could inadvertently dissuade those who actually need an abortion from scheduling the procedure. Read more at Philadelphia Magazine.


  1. Are legitimate news reports about fake appointments considered “real” news or “fake” news?

  2. One pro abortion activist reportedly had some harsh words for the aforementioned pranksters.
    “Killing babies is not a laughing matter,” she told reporters from the non existent news site, ‘Baloney News’. “If you are serious about taking the life of your baby, fine, we applaud your benevolent decision, and we’ll help you execute the abortion procedure smoothly and efficiently. But don’t play with us or make a mockery of these poor, hapless, soon-to-be-executed babies.”
    “Abortion is a serious, hallowed and sacrosanct procedure,” she added.
    However, sources are now reporting that the aforementioned pro abortion activist has decided to jump on the prank bandwagon.
    Earlier today, she went to an abortion clinic, and claimed she was a pro life activist seeking to save the lives of soon-to-be murdered babies.
    The pro abortion activist donned a surgical face mask, much to the dismay of the clinic employees, and said, “You’re not killing any babies on my watch!”
    But before anyone could stop the prankster from purportedly saving the life of one of the soon-to-be-aborted babies, she pulled out an extraction tool, and said, “I’m kidding around; here’s the extraction tool, now let’s get to work and save the world!”

  3. “treating real patients” These are not real patients. These are real murderers who should be behind bars together with the CEO and the staff and this “health” center burned down.

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